Removing UGF in favor of a canister

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 4, 2005
Cleveland, OH
Hi! I saw some other posts about removing a UGF, I decided that would be best for me to do but I was not clear on one point - during the process of converting to the canister do I leave the UGF running at the same time until the canister has an opportunity to build up a new bacteria bed? Or will the bacteria in the gravel be sufficient without the UGF running? FWIW, My UGF does not have a power head on it.
In this situation, run the canister filter in conjunction with the ugf. After about 3 or 4 weeks, completly remove the ugf. You should have enough bacteria built up in the canister to avoid a cycle or even a mini-cycle. But test your water parameters for the first few days to make sure a cycle does not occur. :D

Exactly as fishyfinatic says. When I disconnected mine I merely removed the uplift tubes and left the plate under the gravel. Some might disagree with that but as long as water and detritus aren't being forced through the plate, I don't see any problem and haven't encountered one.
I was thinking if he hooked up the canister filter, let it run a few days and removed the UGF that it would stir up enough crud in the tank that the canister would pick up, he wouldn't have to worry about a mini cycle

Thats just my thoughts on it, tho
Running them together would be best. I'd have to agree that when you remove it the crud that gets stirred up will be a lot and will also help with the cycle. Or rather the avoidance of a cycle.
Thanks everyone! My fish are doing fantastic and i dont want to mess that up by making a mistake. I will run them concurrently for a few weeks then pull the tubes from the UGF. I will eventually remove the plates because I cant see any benefit to leaving them. Baby steps!
Thanks again. Great forum!!
Everyone's done a good job advising you, definitely run them concurrently for a few days. I just wanted to add 1 thing.
Pull the plates at the same time as the tubes, trust me. I tried it the other way, like you had planned. All you will do if you leave the plates in is create more of a mess. The crud under the ugf will just continue to muck up your tank worse. Pull the tubes and one side of the ugf all at once. Then wait a few hours for everything to settle and pull the other side. I had two 10's w/ ugf's and I pulled the plates on one and it was messy but not too bad. I ran out of time and only pulled the tubes on the other one. Then due to just sheer forgetfullness and laziness those ugf's sat there for a few months, by the time I pulled them it was a royal mess and just terrible for the fish, so bad in fact that I transferred them to another tank overnight. Best to do it all at once.
Well, I finally got the chance to remove the UGF - canister and UGF ran at the same time for about a month. I was very surprised by 2 things - 1, it was VERY easy to remove the UGF and 2. There was very little muck under the UGF. Actually, almost none! Which tells me I did a decent job cleaning/vacuuming it I guess.
I will tell you this, my water has NEVER been cleaner!! It looks crystal clear now. Actually, I am seeing lots of imperfections in my glass now. Sheesh!!
Anyway, thanks a million to everyone who helped on this. My fishies are happier now I am sure
LOL clear water has it's downsides I suppose but overall it is worth it. Congratulations on your successful UGF removal.
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