Recent content by WackyInsertions

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. W

    Plants with Goldies?

    Hornwort, camboba, anachris/elodia, java ferns, and java moss will work fine. And whether or not the fish will eat any of these just depends on the individual fish. I've had goldfish that will eat my elodia and others in the same tank that won't touch it. However, if you give them zucchini...
  2. W

    Java moss question

    Well, if you ever want to get it off of a rock, pretty much, your only option is to burn it. One time, I had some java moss get really really stuck on some rocks that I took out of my aquarium. It was left sitting out of water for probably a month; then I gave the rocks to a friend, and to my...
  3. W

    Java moss question

    Well, java moss doesn't exactly 'root'; not to be a technical jerk, but it grabs onto things with rhizomes, which are usually much harder to tear away from rocks than are roots. As for the sand, I've run tanks with a sand substrate and java moss with various results; it's going to be really...
  4. W

    Nano-cube: bad idea?

    Ahh, I see; I was thinking it was a sort of irreplacable built-in sort of thing, like in those tiny freshwater setups you see for $15. I really don't want to bother with corals in such a small aquarium; this won't be an issue, will it? Also, about the temperature issue, will this be a...
  5. W

    Nano-cube: bad idea?

    I saw this little 12 gallon nano-cube yesterday at my lfs, and I'm curious if anyone has any comments about them? To date, I've always stuck with fw because I live in a cramped apartment and can get by with "smaller" tanks, but this size would be great. Basically, all I've ever wanted was a...
  6. W

    Wal-mart -- the pound for fish

    I was going to post this as a new thread, but I'm glad I noticed this one. Yesterday, I went to walmart to get some nyquil, as I recently got the flu. Anyway, it was near the fish section, so I happened to stroll back there. Now, as a side note, my walmart keeps its fishtanks very clean, and...
  7. W

    plans scrapped, new 20g sand tank going up.

    This is just a comment about sand in freshwater aquariums (this is directly from my experience, so there's a chance this might not be definite in happening to you, but it could). Since the sand is so compact, it's atrocious for a bacteria culture. Basically, all of your bacteria is sitting on...
  8. W

    Plant Ferts.

    I don't know what it is you wouldn't be impressed with. In my experiences, fertilizer isn't enough; you need tons of light and co2 along with fertilizer to see beautiful plants. Anyway, I use Kent's and I couldn't be happier. My plants look beautiful; sometimes I even sell the cuttings (if I...
  9. W

    Help with Plants Only Tank

    I don't quite understand how, but I keep accumulating empty 10 gallon aquariums. Well, I happen to have an empty one now, and decided I'd realize a small version of my dream in having a plants only tank. I have several tanks with -tons- of plants and have had -amazing- success, but this time...
  10. W

    Another Nitrate Thread

    About the algae bloom, I changed the carbon filters, scrubbed the bejesus out of the walls while doing a water change, let the filters get what I couldn't, and then cleaned the carbon filters after I was all done. I'm switching between meds because one has ick, so I need to kill the parasites...
  11. W

    Why are my Nitrites so high

    If you read my post before the edit, then whoops! Read that as nitrates for some reason. Anyhow, I've always found high nitrites to go hand in hand with high ammonia. Is your tank cycled? What kind of filtration do you have? How often do you do water changes, and do you overfeed?
  12. W

    Another Nitrate Thread

    Sorry to make yet another, but I don't think my case fits any of the others. I have a 20g long with 7 tiger barbs, about 6 ghost shrimp, and 4 small cory cats with a 1-2 inch sand substrate. Tank is fully cycled, I do 10-20% water changes weekly, and I have two penguin filters on it each with...
  13. W

    Power filter Question? Advice Needed Desperately!

    1. 200 gph would be fine for a 55g 2. The better the filtration, the bigger your bioload can be; I would still recommend fairly regular and frequent partial water changes 3. Very likely not; I have a gigantic filter on my 20g long, and there's only a tiny current near the top, and that's...
  14. W

    Rope fish and Oscars

    That's what I was afraid of; I'm glad I got confirmation about my suspicion, though. Thanks for the help.
  15. W

    Sea Anemones

    Jeese, I had no idea that aquariums were impending doom for anemones. I guess I'll just have to put saltwater aside for now and maybe set up a spawning tank. Does anyone happen to know why they don't do well in aquariums? I mean, suppose you gave it an ideal setup (whatever that may be)...
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