What fish would do well for beginners in a 6.5 gallon tank?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jul 17, 2010
I just lost 2 guppies. Are molly fish harder than guppies? Can I put molly fish in a 6.5 gallon tank? If so how many of them? I am not having any luck with the guppies, they all keep dying. I just read that molly fish need at least 30 gallon tank, well there went that idea. I am looking for a fish that is hardy, that would do well in a in 6.5 gallon tank, any ideas, No Bettas they also keep dying. please share, thanks, My friend suggested a Gold Fish. lol
I do not think so, Gold fish need at least 40 gallon tank and that would be one Gold Fish, but not in a 6.5 gallon tank. I had to tell my friend some helpful info. This in what I found on google. it says
Guppies, platies, and the common mollies will all do well in tanks under 10 gallons. To avoid conflicts, try to keep at least 3 of these fish together, preferably 1 male and 2-3 females.
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Guppies and bettas are as bullet proof as they come that suit small aquariums. There are other fish that could live in a 6.5g tank, but they are going to be more complex to keep. You could try killifish, but they only live for a year anyway.

You could try a snail instead of fish. A mystery snail would suit your aquarium.
I just lost 2 guppies. Are molly fish harder than guppies? Can I put molly fish in a 6.5 gallon tank? If so how many of them? I am not having any luck with the guppies, they all keep dying. I just read that molly fish need at least 30 gallon tank, well there went that idea. I am looking for a fish that is hardy, that would do well in a in 6.5 gallon tank, any ideas, No Bettas they also keep dying. please share, thanks, My friend suggested a Gold Fish. lol
I do not think so, Gold fish need at least 40 gallon tank and that would be one Gold Fish, but not in a 6.5 gallon tank. I had to tell my friend some helpful info. This in what I found on google. it says
Guppies, platies, and the common mollies will all do well in tanks under 10 gallons. To avoid conflicts, try to keep at least 3 of these fish together, preferably 1 male and 2-3 females.
So much for your Youtube experts. ;) Now you know that your acclimation method for these Guppies ( as well as the last batch of Guppies) was wrong. That is most likely why you are not having any luck with them. I would try them again and do the acclimation described in the article I sent you. Float them, empty them into a bucket then add small amounts of your water into the bucket every 5 minutes until the water in the bucket is more new water than old water then remove 1/2 of that water in the bucket and continue with adding small amounts of water every 5 minutes for at least 5 times. THEN net the fish out and place in the aquarium and throw away the water in the bucket.
Trying new fish species is not going to solve your problem. No fish is going to do well if you do not acclimate them properly. (y)
I have 4 guppies left in one tank. The other guppy died from shipping, and the pet store guppy was spinning around in circles and then died, that was the guppy from the pet store. I will do as you suggested. I got the idea now, thanks for all your help, hopefully the new guppies will live.
I have 4 guppies left in one tank. The other guppy died from shipping, and the pet store guppy was spinning around in circles and then died, that was the guppy from the pet store. I will do as you suggested. I got the idea now, thanks for all your help, hopefully the new guppies will live.
I can't speak for the Guppies that were shipped to you but the one from the pet store was obviously sick and if it's the same pet store we've been talking about in your other threads, it's no surprise. They do not seem to know how to keep fish. :whistle:
Which pet store???

I also didn’t realize pet stores shipped live fish? That’s gotta be rough for the fish I’d imagine.
I just lost 2 guppies. Are molly fish harder than guppies? Can I put molly fish in a 6.5 gallon tank? If so how many of them? I am not having any luck with the guppies, they all keep dying. I just read that molly fish need at least 30 gallon tank, well there went that idea. I am looking for a fish that is hardy, that would do well in a in 6.5 gallon tank, any ideas, No Bettas they also keep dying. please share, thanks, My friend suggested a Gold Fish. lol
I do not think so, Gold fish need at least 40 gallon tank and that would be one Gold Fish, but not in a 6.5 gallon tank. I had to tell my friend some helpful info. This in what I found on google. it says
Guppies, platies, and the common mollies will all do well in tanks under 10 gallons. To avoid conflicts, try to keep at least 3 of these fish together, preferably 1 male and 2-3 females.
Mollies get pretty big! I personally wouldn’t keep a Molly in something that small. You could tho depending on your set up. I’ve had really good luck with them! They’ve survived cycles and everything else. I kept betas before this and just being honest here I’ve had better luck with the mollies in every way, including being able to stock my tank with more fish that interest me.
Which pet store???

I also didn’t realize pet stores shipped live fish? That’s gotta be rough for the fish I’d imagine.
Fish get shipped all around the world. I know because I've shipped them all around the world.. ;) ;) The only continent I haven't shipped to or received from is Antarctica. ( I've even sent a shipment via a route over the North Pole so I'm counting the Arctic. ;) :lol: ) When done correctly, the fish do fine being shipped. (y)
When the time comes hopefully not soon for my angel I’m definitely interested in what you have! I want to do it right this time and actually keep a few angels instead of just the 1.
When the time comes hopefully not soon for my angel I’m definitely interested in what you have! I want to do it right this time and actually keep a few angels instead of just the 1.
At the moment my hatchery is closed but I would suggest when you do try Angels again, either get the one or a lot at the same time and that are the same size. That is the best way to get ones that will jell better into a school. (y) I can make recommendations when the time comes.
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