What I found online about Pygmy Cory's?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jul 17, 2010
What I found online about 6 Pygmy Cory's how many to keep in a 6.5 gallon tank.

Can you keep 3 pygmy corydoras?

"The Pygmy Cory (Corydoras pygmaeus) - fish for a small aquarium
How many Corydoras can you keep in one aquarium? Pygmy cory (Corydoras pygmaeus), as well as other species of Corydoras, are flocking fish. Therefore, it is best to keep them in groups of at least 6 individuals."

Someone here says to put 3 Pygmy Cory in my 6.5 gallon. do I need 6 Pygmy Cory's in my 6.5 gallon tank? :blink::whistle:
Yea! I am the one with a betta in my 6.5 gallon.
What I found online about 6 Pygmy Cory's how many to keep in a 6.5 gallon tank.

Can you keep 3 pygmy corydoras?

"The Pygmy Cory (Corydoras pygmaeus) - fish for a small aquarium
How many Corydoras can you keep in one aquarium? Pygmy cory (Corydoras pygmaeus), as well as other species of Corydoras, are flocking fish. Therefore, it is best to keep them in groups of at least 6 individuals."

Someone here says to put 3 Pygmy Cory in my 6.5 gallon. do I need 6 Pygmy Cory's in my 6.5 gallon tank? :blink::whistle:
Yea! I am the one with a betta in my 6.5 gallon.
Don't believe everything you read online. :whistle: Believe people who have " been there, done that. " (y) There are people who unknowingly keep a single corydora for years by itself successfully. A small school of 3 will suffice in that small of a tank. If you want to do 5 or 6, feel free. All that does is cut done what else you can keep in the tank and possibly make the Betta feel crowded.
Tanks for your help.

Don't believe everything you read online. :whistle: Believe people who have " been there, done that. " (y) There are people who unknowingly keep a single corydora for years by itself successfully. A small school of 3 will suffice in that small of a tank. If you want to do 5 or 6, feel free. All that does is cut done what else you can keep in the tank and possibly make the Betta feel crowded.

Tanks for your help. I believe you. I will keep 3 in one tank. I do not want the betta to feel over crowded. I am getting 6 pygmy cories tomorrow. 3 cories goes in one tank, and the other 3 in my other 6.5 gallon. tanks for your reply. :cool::thanks:
I ordered some Pygmy Cory's for my 6.5 gallon tank and the fish look small enough to eat. I was told here that my betta would not eat the fish. They seem bigger than in the photo. I can barley see the fish, they are that small. Well by a few days.. I will check to see, if the fish are still in the tank, or not. Well betta may have a very expensive treat. :D
I ordered some Pygmy Cory's for my 6.5 gallon tank and the fish look small enough to eat. I was told here that my betta would not eat the fish. They seem bigger than in the photo. I can barley see the fish, they are that small. Well by a few days.. I will check to see, if the fish are still in the tank, or not. Well betta may have a very expensive treat. :D

Keep the Bettas well fed and they should leave the cories alone. (y)
Keep the Bettas well fed and they should leave the cories alone. (y)

My betta is chasing the Pygmy Cory. I did feed my betta, maybe i need to feed a little more. I cant see the fish in the tank, the fish. How can I see my Pygmy Cory's in tank, make sure they all there? Do I take out all the plants just so I can see the cories, there has got to be a way. (y)

I had to empty small bag the fish the came in one tank, I could not see to net the fish out. I could not see too well. i put on my glasses and I still could not see the fish. one of the fish was stuck to the bag. I hurried up and got the fish in the tank. Hopefully the fish is fine. I did not know they would be so tiny. :facepalm:
Looking back on my mistake. I should have filled up a bucket then, scoop the fish in the tank that way I would of known what fish made it in the the tank, like duh I think of it now.

I see 2 Pygmy Cory's in my one 6.5 gallon tank and one Pygmy Cory in my other tank, it is hard to see if there is more. I ordered 6 Pygmy Cory's. I seen 3 so far. My tank is all cloud with sand right at the moment, cause I took the fake plants out and that strid up the sand.

Ahh I see 3 Pygmy Cory' in my tank, now i need to see if there are 2 more Pygmy Cory's in the other tank.
There are two Pygmy Cory's in the other tank, just missing one more fish, some where.
The best thing to do then is turn off the light and let the fish settle down. Chasing the new fish is one thing, actually eating it is another. Cories have sharp fins so they can usually protect themselves if a fish tries to eat them. You can always isolate the Betta in a net for the night so that the cories can settle down without getting harassed.
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