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    Thanks Andy and Aiken

    After doing things wrong at first I read everything I could find from both of you and I am so glad I did. Both my fish ( Oscar and Pleco) are doing great doubled in size in the last 4 to 5 weeks. I used Doc Tims at first with the BB in a bottle crap. Then went to fish food and raw shrimp then...
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    Fluval 407 and pot scrubbers

    I'm thinking of converting my 407 from matrix to scrubbers. Does anyone know how many scrubbers will fit in a tray? Here is plan (A) leave the bottom tray full of the stock black course sponge then slowly one at a time change the other three trays over. I'm thinking one tray per month. Then it...
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    Anyone know this L number

    The lighter color is very yellow. doesn't come out in the photo.
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    Who blinks first?

    You or my Oscar
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    Oscar books

    Looking for a good book lost all mine in a fire. Not a first grade primer something as thorough as possible. Call me old fashion but I still like a good book.
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    ammonia and nitrite

    Ok I don't have a issue with these but I like to read. I keep seeing some people say to add your ammonia result to your nitrite result. If the combined total is more than 0.5ppm then change enough water to bring it below 0.5ppm combined. Why add these two together instead of just using the...
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    Plants with Oscar

    I know my Oscar will tear them up. But then I saw this youtube where the plants grow outside of the tank with the roots inside. They are held in place with these holders like a HOB filter put in backwards. my concern is will the fish 1 pleco 1 oscar eat the roots and kill the plants (pothos)...
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    Filter help

    My tank is a 75 gallon with two fish 1 Oscar 1 Pleco both about 2 to 3 inches no plants. Now I am using one Seachem tidal 75 I have another one but think I would rather go to a canister instead of two HOB. Trying to decide what size. I've been looking at fluvals 407,fx2 and fx4. What would you...
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