Plants with Oscar

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Airborne 82nd

Aquarium Advice Regular
Apr 16, 2024
Mount Olive NC
I know my Oscar will tear them up. But then I saw this youtube where the plants grow outside of the tank with the roots inside. They are held in place with these holders like a HOB filter put in backwards. my concern is will the fish 1 pleco 1 oscar eat the roots and kill the plants (pothos)? Here is a look at what I saw.
With Oscars and plecos, that's always a possibility. Oscars like to play with stuff in their tank. Plants, wood, rocks, substrate... nothing is going to stay the way you set it up in an Oscar tank. ;) LOL You can try to divide the roots and have some inside the tank and some in some soil hanging outside the tank so that should the fish destroy the roots in the tank, the plant doesn't die. (y) Other than that' it looks like a neat gadget for gadget lovers with some extra cash. ;) .
Well the owner emailed me and told me the one I needed. I've got the money if the wife doesn't find it first. Spray bar and new hose came in heading to the drill press. Oh yes highway 60 was the only way to go. Later on I started going to Daytona when they built interstate 4. If you make it to Bok take a bag of raw peanuts the squirrels will thank you they are very tame. But I'm sure things have changed a lot
Well the owner emailed me and told me the one I needed. I've got the money if the wife doesn't find it first. Spray bar and new hose came in heading to the drill press. Oh yes highway 60 was the only way to go. Later on I started going to Daytona when they built interstate 4. If you make it to Bok take a bag of raw peanuts the squirrels will thank you they are very tame. But I'm sure things have changed a lot
I've got families of squirrels living in my yard. I don't need to feed more. ;) LOL I- 4 is now a death trap. I hate driving on it and in fact, go so far out of my way to get to I-95 when I go North that I don't get onto it until Jacksonville!!!
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