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  1. J


    Just posting So others will not do what I did. I needed to empty my tanks and place in something while our floors were being installed. I chose styrofoam. Bad choice. Styrofoam absorbs water and can leak! I found this out the hard way! Saved the fish but will never use styrofoam to put water in.
  2. J

    Seiryu rock in fresh water aquarium

    Recently I added a Seiryu rock to my aquarium. I had boiled the rock first for 20 minutes, then when cool added it to my aquarium. About three days later I thought I was seeing a little bit of foam at least different bubbling at the top of the water. So then I did some research on the stone and...
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    Accidentally feed my fish food with copper in it to my baby shrimp tank this am!!! Going to do a water change. Any idea on the prognosis of my mistake![emoji37]
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    New hatch of cherry shrimp

    Finally, conditions were right and I have a hatch of cherry shrimp. I started out with four females and one male and now have over 70 babies. They all seem to be thriving and it’s fun to watch them as a scurry about.
  5. J

    Disinfectant for aquarium nets and other equipment

    Does anyone know what to use to disinfect fishnets when used in injected tanks? So far I’ve used bleach and then washed really good and then put primer on them. But it occurred to me Perhaps there is a disinfectant solution I could be using for my nets and other equipment that comes in contact...
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    Listless Beta fish

    Five days Ago, I noticed my beta was on the bottom of the tank quite listless. I looked at him to see if he had anything obvious no Ich, no bulging eyes, no bloated abdomen. Fortunately I have a 10 gallon hospital tank. I put him in there and treated with Ick-X, added tetracycline, and General...
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    Betta community tank

    I know that some Beta fish Are not compatible in a community tank. When I got my brother he was just a little guy and so I put some Amber tetra in the tank with him and he did just fine. So then I added a couple of Kuhli loaches and he left them alone two, so I added a couple of Cory catfish and...
  8. J

    Assassin snail in action

    My tank has been overrun by little snails that came in on plants the population kept getting bigger and bigger, so it was time to take action. It’s a 20 gallon long tank and so I added for assassin snails to the tank. I took out my nerite snails so they wouldn’t be eaten. It may be a long...
  9. J

    Scraped BOESEMAN

    Did my morning head count of my fish and noticed one of my rainbow missing. Search the tank and found him caught under a stump. I jiggled the stump and out he came he had lodged his head in a hole. He scraped pretty good on top and so as a preventative Measure I treated him with erythromycin...
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    Corydoras Habrosus

    I have a question about these little guys. When buying cories is it harmful to add pure oxygen to the bag for transport? My trip home is 35 miles.
  11. J

    Little white ?

    I’m not sure what these tiny round white things are. Fish eggs or amano shrimp eggs? I have rainbow fish, Congo longtail tetras and albino Congo tetras, some silvertip Tetris and some cherry barbs and some Cory catfish. Quite a sprinkling of these, just not sure what I’m looking at any thoughts?
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    Nano catfish

    Little Hebrosis Cory hanging out together in my nano tank. These guys are fun to watch!
  13. J

    55 gallon tank a work in progress

    This tank is evolving started about a year ago and I’m finally getting a handle on plant growth. My fish have done real well we’ve been with me from the beginning, added a new Finnex plant 24/7 light LED and I am seeing some improvement in my plants. The fish seem to like it as there is no...
  14. J

    20gallon long nano tank

    It’s been up now for a couple of months. Starting to get some green string algae but really haven’t seen any brown diatoms at this point. I have decreased the lighting time and also added four cherry shrimp, one amano shrimp, and a Nerite snail. I am trying to find the right balance so to...
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    Zion my new 20gal long cycled a few fish added last week

    Some Chili Rasbora, otocincolus, Endlers, hebrosis Cory. An planned to add some neon green Rasbora in the near future.
  16. J

    Canister filter

    I have a couple of the Pentex cascade canister filters sizes 700 and1200. I just purchased a 500 thinking that the tube sizes would be the same. The inside dimensions of the of the two bigger ones is fiveeights of an inch. However the 500 is only half an inch. Has anybody ever tried using an...
  17. J

    Does my mystery snail need a calcium supplement?

    I just added a mystery snail to my 55 gallon freshwater aquarium. My PH has been at 7.4 for 5 or more years-never fluctuates. The GH has been (6drops)100 ppm, and KH 2-3 drops. I am waiting for a meter to test TDS but it’s not here yet. My question is with available information do I need to...
  18. J

    Adding cherry barbs

    I would like to add 2 male/4female to my 55gal tank. Heavily planted and water parameters will work, however will my 7 Rainbow fish eat them? 3 Boeseman, 2 Trifasiata, 2 turquoise. Also have 2 long tail Congo tetra, several other tetras. Any thoughts??
  19. J

    One inch per gallon

    Have lived by this mostly however in reading and listening to other aquarium people I understand there are other variables to consider. I have a 55 gal tank freshwater. My outside canister filters 415 gal per hour. It’s a medium planted aquarium. I do water changes every 10-14 days and change...
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    Best way to vacuum the planted tank

    My dilemma is every time I clean my tank (7-10 days), I disrupt my plants with my python siphon. How do your clean the substrate without unrooting the plants? What do you use?
  21. J

    Punctured by my Cory catfish

    I got punctured by my Cory catfish about five hours ago as I tried to get it out of my net. My finger is still throbbing and if I put a bandage on it still bleeding. From what I’ve read they can be poisonous on there a pectoral and dorsal fins. My finger is really throbbing and I’m not really...
  22. J

    Rescue Tank

    In the back of my mind when I set up my 55 gallon aquarium approximately eight months ago I thought I need a back up plan in case this aquarium should fail. I’m so glad that I was proactive and I urge everyone that has an aquarium where you have expensive fish and don’t wanna lose them to have a...
  23. J

    Are these rainbow fish mating?

    Noticing some unusual and somewhat aggressive behavior with two of my male rainbow fish and one of my female. I think they’re getting old enough to possibly be breeding and I’m not sure if that’s what’s going on. I change the ornaments around each week so everyone has a new hiding place to...
  24. J

    Black bearded Algae hydrogen peroxide

    Just discovered I have this nasty blackbearded Algae in my tank. I’ve been watching YouTube’s and the route recommendation is using hydrogen peroxide and also Flourish Excel. Has anyone out there used hydrogen peroxide to spray this particular Algae? I have rainbow fish Congo tetra a few Coreys...
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