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The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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  1. ADsnail

    Vacation Time and Bettas

    This question has come up many times over the years: what to do with the fish when you go on vacation. I've taken trips and brought bettas along (evacuation from natural disaster) for weeks. And also left them home for a couple of days. We are planning some camping trips this summer, 3-7 days...
  2. ADsnail

    How Long Can Water Sit?

    A friend was given a 30g tank with no filter, no lights. He put in sand, decor, plastic plants, and filled it with tap water. He was just going out to buy a filter, lights, bubbler, heater and thermometer when he was interrupted by a work call--he was emergency on-call for the next week. He...
  3. ADsnail

    How Long To Boil Spider Wood?

    I'm building an aquascape and investing in spiderwood to shape a jungle-style forest. In the past I've tried driftwood from the river and oak branches from my tree, boiling both for hours, then soaking for days. Nothing ever stayed down; they all floated and required rocks, glue, etc...
  4. ADsnail

    Deep Clean For Shrimp Tank

    I have an established shrimp tank, constantly thriving with tiny babies. Despite regular water changes and filter rinsing, the substrate tells me it's time for a deep clean. But, how to do it without killing shrimplets? I have both a manual (hand-trigger) vac that sends water to a bucket, and...
  5. ADsnail

    Lighting Hours

    Thanks to this site I no longer leave the lights on in tanks for 10-12 hours a day. There weren't any problems from it but I've cut down to 6 hrs/day. Questions-- What about rainy dreary days, not dark enough for rooms to be lit but the tanks are in darkness? Leave lights on longer or give them...
  6. ADsnail

    R.I.P. CharlieBankston

    Raising a toast here to fellow fish enthusiast Charlie Bankston, who passed away recently in his native Texas. Charlie was helpful, friendly, and very funny. You are missed, Charlie :flowers:
  7. ADsnail

    Indian Almond Leaves - How Long To Leave In?

    They're supposed to be left in indefinitely as everyone nibbles on them and they break down to improve the environment. But I have one in a betta tank with 3 snails and no one is eating it. If they tried, they'd probably fall right off because it's so thin and flexible by now. Meanwhile, it's...
  8. ADsnail

    Need Tech Help

    Two questions: 1.- I would like to add a picture under my name when I post. How do I do that? 2.- I'd like to add a second picture to my profile. How do I do that? I'll be doing this on an old Apple laptop. Thanks for your help :flowers:
  9. ADsnail

    Help Me Name My Snail

    I just bought a baby blue mystery snail. Help! What's a good name? No prizes in this contest - or maybe I'll name my next fish after you :flowers:
  10. ADsnail

    Show Me Your Crawfish

    We're putting together a new 20g crawfish tank after losing Boudreaux the electric blue in the aftermath of a hurricane. The next one will be named Thibodeaux. Cycling now, gathering ideas for decor. One we like is to make it look like the dump for this bottom feeder: a wrecked car, tires, even...
  11. ADsnail

    Hurricane Preparedness: Air Stone Question

    We may be facing hurricane strength winds in a few days here on the Gulf coast. Thanks to good advice on this site, I've purchased battery powered air stones in preparation for power outages. The package says to set up the air stone and pump while electricity is still on, plugging it into the...
  12. ADsnail

    Music for Fish

    Hello all, I've been playing a lot of orchestral music lately, not just classical but other types that bring in orchestras. I've noticed that the fish seem to get more lively when it's on. They pick up the pace when I turn up the volume, but that may be stress so I turn it back down. Everyone...
  13. ADsnail

    Vacation Feeding: Feeder Blocks

    Have you used feeder blocks while gone on vacation? How did they work - good, bad, messy, untouched, etc? We're going away for 5 days which is sort of the tipping point for feed/don't feed fish. I don't have any neighbors whom I'd trust to feed correctly and not wander through the house...
  14. ADsnail

    Curious About Your Winter Outage Strategies

    Hello All, How do you keep your tank up to temperature when ice and winter storms knock out your power? I live in a warm climate where winter often doesn't go below 50ish. I use a heater for a few months right around now, then go back to not needing one for most of the year. We had a 20...
  15. ADsnail

    What's Your Betta's Name?

    What's your betta's name? Picture not required. This is Plankton. 5.5 gal planted tank.
  16. ADsnail

    Help With Nerite Snails, Please

    My two tiger nerites are going through the obvious signs of mating. This is not piggyback rides, they were definitely attached *that way* for hours :brows: I've done my research and know that any eggs won't hatch in freshwater. And that nerites are not asexual, they need a male and a female to...
  17. ADsnail

    You Betta Not?

    Hi, I have an aggressive Betta who loves his 5 minutes of mirror sparring every day. He lives for it - wakes up ready to fight in the morning and he patrols the tank for hours after his time is up. He lets me know when the appointed hour is by pacing back and forth in the corner of the tank...
  18. ADsnail

    Mystery Snail Mashup

    Hi, I've just joined but have been reading for months to find great advice. I have a happy Betta~no problems there. My question is about Mystery snails. I've had two for about six months, very compatible. One got very big and, I suspect, old, and he died a few weeks ago. The gold one has been...
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