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  1. Members FW Tanks

    Members FW Tanks

    Full tank pics here
  2. Bottom feeders (plecos/cats/loaches)

    Bottom feeders (plecos/cats/loaches)

  3. M

    Need help to re-start my 20G tank

    Thanks, everybody. Man, I've got my work cut out for me :? I never thought about a sponge or something like that for the air pump. The thing that is making it so noisy is it's vibrating against the table. I will try that first, before springing for another air pump.
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    Need help to re-start my 20G tank

    I moved about a year ago, and since being in the new house, my tank deteriorated. The family room is just too darn sunny and the algae took over my tank, my platys and corys all died, and now my poor tank has been sitting empty for 4 months, and has a forest of algae. I want to get things...
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    We proudly announce a new advisor for the FW Planted forum

    Congratulations Brian! You totally deserve it. You've given me lots of great advice :) I'm sure you'll be an excellent AAA (Aquarium Advice Advisor?).
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    Why do you love aquariums?

    I just enjoy the fish--their behavior, personalities, looks, etc. I even enjoy having to deal with all their different needs (foods, water conditioners, etc.). Plus they provide my little kids with endless entertainment.
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    Guppyman Trademark and Grand Opening

    Congratulations, Frank! That is really wonderful news. Hope your business venture is as successful and fulfilling as you so deserve for it to be :) If I still lived in NYC I'd definitely trek out to NJ to see your new facility. But alas, Seattle is a wee bit far. I will think of you on the...
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    The terrible twos!!

    I'll drink to that ;-)
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    Frozen Bloodworms

    My fish seem bored with their usual flake food, algae wafers, and dried bloodworms. If I get frozen bloodworms and frozen BBS, how long will they last in the freezer? And how often should I feed them the frozen stuff vs. the dried stuff?
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    Is it bad to scrape algae into the tank???

    Is this okay for brown algae as well? I have a meadow of it growing on my aquarium decoration/rock thingamajig, and I need to scrub it all off.
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    What book(s) are you reading now?

    The Namesake, by Jhumpa Lahiri (who won a Pulitzer for her debut, a short story collection titled Interpreter of Maladies). I'd like to get to Dude, Where's My Country eventually; I've heard nothing but great stuff about it. I'm also a magazine addict: The New Yorker, Vanity Fair, InStyle...
  12. M

    Adding rocks to my tank

    Sure, menagerie! One of the pieces, which I haven't seen yet, is apparently like a small cylindrical tube that the fish can swim through. The quartz piece I have now isn't that exciting, but I'm sure my father-in-law can come up with some pretty cool stuff later.
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    Adding rocks to my tank

    My father-in-law collects rocks, and he would like to give me some for my tank. They are quartz and polished agate. How can I be sure they won't mess up my water?
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    Green algae goo on tank light

    lmw80, no, I don't have this anywhere else on my tank. aridiar, what kind of snails do you have? My light doesn't touch the water--how would the snails get on the light to eat the stuff?
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    My Paradise Fish Died! :(

    Sorry for your loss, Hypostomus. It's like an epidemic many people losing's terrible. :cry:
  16. M

    Green algae goo on tank light

    Is it just me, or does anybody else here have a problem with green algae-ish stuff growing on the tank light? The water doesn't touch it, but I guess just the evaporation is enough to get something growing on this. On mine it grows like a green slimey sheet and if I don't get at it regularly...
  17. M

    Need advice - Mysterious fish death/illness :(

    Hi Holly, sorry about your fish. God, how awful to wake up and find them like that in your tanks :cry: And it does feel worse when you don't know what happened, you've been timely with water changes, and all water params are fine. Hope you feel better soon.
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    Need ideas for more fish

    Christmasfish, I didn't know mollies and platies could breed; somebody here told me that that is probably what happened when my black molly (in a divided tank) dropped bright orange fry with black tails, that looked just like my red wag platies! So I don't know what happened there. Her next...
  19. M

    what is a gonopodium

    Here is a pic of one:
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    Need ideas for more fish

    I've decided to stick to one kind of livebearer, so I'm keeping my mollies and have found a good home for my platies and their fry (via I have one male molly and one female (the other one died a long time ago), and will get a couple more females to keep the ratio healthy. I...
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    baby mollies ready for the tank?

    dt509, if you want your fry to survive you should definitely wait before putting them in with the other fish. I had a molly fry that was almost 3/4" long that still got eaten--all that was left was the tail and head and a weird stringy piece that held those together...awful :cry:
  22. M

    Balloon Molly - please help!

    My black molly is almost always pregnant and has never looked that hugely stretched! She actually looks a bit scary. It's too bad we can't tell so well if a fish is in pain :( How is she behaving otherwise? Is she active?
  23. M

    A question about water changes using the Python

    Yes, definitely make sure you test the water temp with your hand before you start filling your don't want boiled fishies! I also just add my dechlor (Bio-Safe) right into the tank as it is filling up, and the filter action seems to mix it up pretty well with the other water. I also...
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    Disappearing Oto

    I agree with Madame X. I have 3 otos and I never seem to see all three of them at once more than once a week. In the beginning it made me kind of nervous and I'd be at the tank with a flashlight looking in every nook and cranny. Now I'm pretty sure one is just hiding really well all the time!
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