A question about water changes using the Python

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Mar 30, 2004
Raleigh NC
Ok, I had a quick question about doing water changes using the Python, because I don't exactly understand something.

I know there are people out there with 150+ gallon tanks that do water changes every week, varying from 25-50%. So I found that most use the Python which will drain the tank straight into a sink. The thing I don't understand though is they advertise the python as a tank filler also. But how can you go straight from tap to your tank, without adding any chlorine/metal remover? How are people adding 35-75 gallons of water easily, every weekend?

Maybe it's a stupid quesiton, but look at my post count. I'm a newb!


A question i can answer. I asked the same thing last week and apparently you drain the lets say 30% to the sink then you flip a "lever" and add the fresh water to the tank. I was also told that you can just add the conditioner into the tank(preferbly near the entry point of the water). Just make sure you put enough conditioner for the whole tank and not just the replacment water.

I thought it sounded too good to be true...apparently, I was wrong! :)


In my experience I've found that doing a 25% water change using water directly from the tap (adjusted to the appropriate temperature, of course) doesn't cause any problems for the fish. The amount of chlorine/chloramine added is sufficiently diluted by the remaining 75% of the aquarium water. I usually add a little chlorine remover immediately after adding the fresh water just to be on the safe side.

By the way....there is no such thing as a stupid question except one that goes unasked!!
I use the Python to gravel vac and remove about 1/3 of my tank water weekly.
Then I add dechlorinator for 20 gal (about the amount I removed) immediately after reversing the python's flow to refill the tank.

Since I have my python connected to my bathtub faucet, I can adjust the temperature of the water refilling the tank. I do this by touch.
Yes, definitely make sure you test the water temp with your hand before you start filling your tank...you don't want boiled fishies!

I also just add my dechlor (Bio-Safe) right into the tank as it is filling up, and the filter action seems to mix it up pretty well with the other water.

I also add just enough dechlor for the amount of water I took OUT, not for the entire tank. I think that is too much dechlor otherwise.
Same here. I only add enough dechlor for the water I am replacing. I couldn't envision it either, but once you get the python, you'll see how simple it actually is.
I don't have a python (yet), but after I finish with the buckets, I add in the dechlor because I usually forget to add it to each bucket. With the 80 and 50 gals, I have never seen a problem doing it this way.
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