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  1. Bottom feeders (plecos/cats/loaches)

    Bottom feeders (plecos/cats/loaches)

  2. Asbestos

    female betta hierarchy problem

    I have similar problems, the only thing that i think will be brought up is 5 gallons for 3 potentially aggressive fish is, going to be problematic. I have 2 female bettas in a 27 gal and they still fight each other, i keep one in a little floating breeder and switch them out every week until i...
  3. Asbestos

    Compatability of inverts and other fish...

    With snails like applesnails or any trapdoor snail the only things (that i know of) that are bad with it are crayfish and bettas. everything else does not seem to care that they exists. And i have had ghost shrimp hunt and kill my platy fry :mad:
  4. Asbestos

    Pool Filter Sand?

    I switched my tanks from gravel to sand its amazing, looks better and its easier to clean. Until i got my MTS (the snails not the disorder) i kept getting what i can only describe as bands of algae it was very unappealing but now they are mostly gone and my tank looks more..natural. I do from...
  5. Asbestos

    Red Tiger Platy

    Interesting, picture please? im curious as to what they look like.
  6. Asbestos

    Adding the water to my tank using a garden hose

    I do have a water softener in my house and I live in AZ after a while the water is not that cold, we will see im going to look into the DIY python.
  7. Asbestos

    Adding the water to my tank using a garden hose

    Sort of a silly question, but I am getting tired of the water changes in my tank and I cannot afford a python to make it easier, would it be be feasible to add all of the water back using a garden hose and then add the declorinator, I don't want to jeopardize the health of my fish. But bringing...
  8. Asbestos

    thought it was a flesh wound

    He does not want to spend money on medication on them, I would say to look into proper euthanasia and not just flushing them down the toilet, because its a slow and painful death. I think it was still alive in his post it was not to clear or i just don't remember. I vote get rid of any that seem...
  9. Asbestos

    Let's clear up confusion about fish feeding

    I feed my community tank a bunch of flakes every other day and some times on the off days i will throw in a few pellets. I binge feed them because I have a Raphael catfish who is difficult to feed so I have to overfeed just so that he will get a little in the commotion.
  10. Asbestos

    Not a good day for my female betta

    So i was cleaning out my larger aquarium and I had clipped the tube to siphon out the water into the tank and i was using the other end to wash out my filter, and I happed to glance up in time to see one of my female bettas decide to investigate the clear tube in the aquarium. :( needless to...
  11. Asbestos

    I need a name.. my first fish who shows personality!

    I say name it fondle, or something because when i had one it would like....fondle the other fish in my tank with its feelers.:p
  12. Asbestos

    Fish question -- stocking, upside down catfish

    Interesting I want to know what more people think, I have an understocked 27 bowfront that is tall, and they are very cool fish.
  13. Asbestos

    Ok experts.. Platy or molly fry?

    I don't think those are platys, well at least they look nothing like mine. Look like mollys.
  14. Asbestos

    10 gal question -- stocking level

    Plecos have a big bioload and make a lot of messes. But bristle nose pleco all the way they are great. but to answer the first question over stocked the pleco needs more room.
  15. Asbestos

    Silly Driftwood Question

    I just added driftwood to my tank, and i was wondering it it would act as a fertilizer for my plants? Because i have been having a algae bloom and i don't want it to get worse by adding my liquid fertilizer as well.
  16. Asbestos

    what r my snails doing

    8-O My innocent eyes! Yeah mine use to do that, then my crawdad figured out how to eat them. Now they are dead good story right?
  17. Asbestos

    Strange Death of an Eel

    I did a water change about 5 days ago now, I have been fighting and algae bloom by removing 70%-80% of the water adding it back then adding the dechlor. Because to my knowledge chlorine poisoning in fish takes a long time. But no other fish are showing symptoms.
  18. Asbestos

    Strange Death of an Eel

    1~What type of fish is afflicted? - Peacock Eel 2~What are your tank parameters - Ammonia 0ppm - No2 0ppm -No3 5ppm 3~ How large is the tank? How long has the tank been set up? - 4 months 4~What type of filtration are you using? - Aqueon power filter 30 5~How many fish are in the tank? What...
  19. Asbestos

    Grumpy Bristlenose?

    Looks exactly like mine, i don't know what else to tell you, but it cant really do any damage.
  20. Asbestos

    Grumpy Bristlenose?

    A brislenose pleco can do next to no harm to the other fish, mine will position herself right on top of the algae wafer so that no other fish can get it. I have also seen her sorta scare away my female bettas. but in general if it is a bristlenose they are (or at least mine is) gutsy and will...
  21. Asbestos


    Chemicals are only a temporary fix. Most fish will tolerate high PH. My advice is to not mess with any chemicals and leave it alone.
  22. Asbestos

    Keeping guppies and danios together?

    In my experience Danios dont care what else is in their tank other than danios, because nothing else is fast enough. I would say if you had enough danios more than 5, they will get along with anything that wont eat them. My danios get along with bettas and platys who are both very slow in...
  23. Asbestos

    Live food for your aquarium.

    I found some California black worms at a family owned pet shop, just was out of my way, im trying to raise them now. I doubt it will go that well, but my fish do love to eat them.
  24. Asbestos

    Sand over Gravel?

    Imo just sand in freshwater is hard to keep clean, mixing it with gravel makes it look better, but the gravel will get to the bottom. as for cleaning it, just stick a hose in a bucket full of sand for 5 minutes your fish will have fun swimming in the murky water, but turn of the filter the sandy...
  25. Asbestos

    Live food for your aquarium.

    No i have not but ill look into it, I think the easy way to go about it would be regular earth worms, just the kind you buy for fishing. And just the start up for black worms is ridiculous they are just worms lol.
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