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  1. GoldfishNewbie

    Is my platy pregnant???

    well I have 3 female platies that I got between 1-2 months ago. Anyways one seems to have become like a balloon overnight... do you think she's pregnant, or sick? Yesterday was my day of the week where I dont feed them, so I can imagine she got bloated... but any ideas? I've read they can hold...
  2. GoldfishNewbie

    lightbulbs for my 20 gal?

    well I have a 20 gallon incandescent tank and it takes screw-in bulbs. Im tired of the ugly yellow ones, and want to start planting soon. I just bought the "blueplanet daylight light... it says light output 800, energy used 13 watts, and its 60 watts, but just uses 13... Blue Planet 13W T3...
  3. GoldfishNewbie

    First time dealing with ich-on betta?

    Well I read the ich post, but I heard some treatments are dangerous for bettas. I have a 20 gallon cycled community tank with my betta, 6 neon tetras, and 3 female platies. I just noticed it today, and only on the betta... I have a couple meds I bought before,just incase, but I dont know what is...
  4. GoldfishNewbie

    Planted tanks HELP!

    I decided to give away my two common goldfish since I wont be able to properly care for them, and plan on starting a community tank thats planted... Ive never done a planted tank, and am SO confused about what people are talking about for lighting... basically Im at step one... I just took off...
  5. GoldfishNewbie

    50 gallon stock?

    Im contemplating giving up my two small common goldfish, unless I come up with a miraculous amount of money so I can buy a larger tank, but I'm thinking I could change this from goldfish to a community tank or something... what are my stocking options? and what slightly bigger fish can I get...
  6. GoldfishNewbie

    Is it a tear, or fin rot?

    Well I have a common pleco in a 50 gal tank (He's going to be traded for a smaller algae eater once my pet store orders a bristlenose, but he's only 2 inches right now) anyways I've been watching him and just today I noticed like a single poke through his tail fin... no bigger than like... a...
  7. GoldfishNewbie

    Grass like plant questions...?

    Are there any plants that can grow/look kind of like grass, but under low-medium lighting? I'm thinking of starting a planted tank and love the idea of grass in it too, but I don't have tons of money to buy the best/brightest lights or whatever...
  8. GoldfishNewbie

    Shipping aquarium supplies and fish to Canada? :S

    So I complain a lot about my lfs and how overpriced everything is... Our pet store once got a german blue ram and charged $47 because its "so rare" to get them... before I knew about other stores selling them for like $8, I had no idea they were over priced. Thankfully I didn't buy one but...
  9. GoldfishNewbie

    total n00b to plants!

    Well first off, I have a 50 gal tank with 2 goldfish, and a 10 gallon with my betta... I have a 20 gallon tank which I hope to convert into a community tank, with REAL plants haha. the problem is I have NO idea about care for plants, what they need, if you can stick sand over their grounding...
  10. GoldfishNewbie

    My Ryukin Dying? :'(

    Well Bubba my ryukin has been having troubles lately. He had been losing all his scales and people on here seemed to think it was Myxosporidiosis Today he was fine and swimming around, and I just went to turn off the lights for them and he's completely upside down :confused: I had him in a 20...
  11. GoldfishNewbie

    Used filter questions?

    I was just given an aquaclear 50 filter, I bought all the inside things (foam, carbon, and the white rock stuff lol (can't remember the name)) Anyways, the filter wasn't cleaned when I got it. I cleaned it as well as I could, got out most of the dried algae/crap I'm guessing... except I can't...
  12. GoldfishNewbie

    Betta has white cottony looking thing by mouth?

    Well I'll add a picture tomorrow, but does this sound like mouth rot to you? he has clamped fins, and a little white cottony thing in the corner of his mouth. could it be the beginning of ich? I just learned of mouth rot and now I'm worried, because his mouth is looking kind of weird shaped...
  13. GoldfishNewbie

    Driftwood questions...

    so I just bought a gorgeous piece of malaysian driftwood, and have been boiling it for a couple hours. I read that the tanins don't hurt or bother the fish at all, is that true? (2 goldfish and a pleco)... I was thinking I'd add it and because my tank is still cycling I'm doing 50% water changes...
  14. GoldfishNewbie

    Goldfish Tank Size Requirements

    This is probably going to be a dumb and obvious question, but I cant think of it lol. Why do grown goldfish need a minimum of 55 gallons EACH... I understand why one would need it, but wouldnt like a 75 gallon work for twoÉ (sorry question mark isnt working, just does thisÉ) Why do they need...
  15. GoldfishNewbie

    Betta with Velvet

    So I asked earlier if he looked like he had fin rot, but you guys said it looked like clamped fins, someone suggested I check for velvet... well I think he has it :( A relatively small amount still, its not on his fins, only like 5 specs around his head/body... how do I treat it? and how long do...
  16. GoldfishNewbie

    Algae eaters for tank...

    So I know that plecos have to be in 60 gallon tanks at minimum. I just bought one thats tiny because my pet store didn't have any other kinds. I'm thinking once he starts growing a bit hopefully the store will have others, and I can trade him since he'll be bigger... What kind of fish should I...
  17. GoldfishNewbie

    Does my betta have fin rot...

    I have a betta named Pug and ive noticed his fins are very ... weird looking, sort of frayed at the bottom, Im wondering if he has fin rot or not, hes 4 years old so it might just be old age, but I want to be safe so... does it look anything like fin rot to you, or does he just look old (sorry...
  18. GoldfishNewbie

    My ryukin is losing his scales? Help

    So I know I've been doing things wrong with my fish and am correcting it now, I previously had 2 common and 1 oranda and 1 ryukin in a 20 gal tank. I've now bought a 50 gal and have the 2 commons in it until they grow more but for now they're just 2 inches. both tanks are double filtered and I'm...
  19. GoldfishNewbie

    20 gal. Community tank with betta?

    I recently bought a 50 gal. tank for my goldfish and will now have a 20 gallon tank that I was hoping to turn into a community tank, I'm just wondering what other fish I could put in with him. He's a really calm fish but of course I'll be sure he's fine with others. Anyways ya... what fish/how...
  20. GoldfishNewbie

    Cycling with Goldfish? AGH!

    This will be a long post, bare with me So I'm a complete fish newbie, I started out knowing nothing about them, and did many stupid things and bought 2 common goldfish for my 10 gallon tank. I then researched and learned they needed a bigger tank so I was dumb enough to get a 20 gallon, and take...
  21. GoldfishNewbie

    Fish Newbie Hear anxious to learn =D

    Hey all my names Candle... or GoldfishNewbie, whatever, anyways Just wanted to say hi and i'm excited to meet everyone. This seems like a super nice site, and I hope the people are friendly. I tried asking questions on yahoo answers but they get mad because I don't know much, which is why I...
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