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  1. tulip55555

    Some sort of infestation

    I have 3 x 5 gallon betta tanks, unfiltered with heat. The tanks are all about 6 weeks old, so newly cycled. All 3 fish seem happy and healthy (though I may be guilty of overfeeding) My problem is that I have a lot of almost microscopic things swimming around my tanks. I believe they are...
  2. tulip55555

    For Sale: Getting out of the hobby

    I have soooo many things. I am unable to post pics, but I have a lot of plants. I am asking what I think is a fair price for the root system, rather than the large leafed plants that they are due to the weather. I would like to sell this as a package. I have: At least 5 Large Crypt Wendtii...
  3. tulip55555

    For Sale or trade: Taiwan moss

    I have an 8 x 8 inch portion of Taiwan moss for sale for $20 shipped. I am also willing to trade for Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides or verticillata, Starogyne repens, any Ludwigia species, Crypts (not wendtii), maybe some trumpet snails and lots of other plants....make an offer. I am unable to...
  4. tulip55555

    Free: RAOK $7/20 plants or Trade Dwarf water Lettuce

    $7 shipped for 15 dwarf water lettuce. Growing in nice form with 3-5 inch roots. Would be willing to trade for many different plants. Please PM me Thanks
  5. tulip55555

    Wanted: Hydrocotyle Verticillata and some others

    WTB submersed grown hydrocotyle verticillata, staurogyne repens and needle leaf or windelov java ferns. Thanks :)
  6. tulip55555

    Mopani wood slime

    I have some serious algae or some kind of slime growing on my mopani wood. It appears greenish brown and I tried pulling some off with tweezers and it just stretches like play slime (it is not that thick though). I soaked one piece in potassium permanganate and it appears to have stayed clean...
  7. tulip55555

    For Sale or trade: Dwarf water lettuce, salvinia minima, taiwan moss

    I have some dwarf water lettuce, salvinia minima and a small amount of Taiwan moss and I'm wanting to trade for other plants or sell as a package for $12 shipped priority mail. I would prefer to trade so feel free to post here or PM offers :) Thanks
  8. tulip55555

    Question about slate safety

    Hi there. I bought a piece of slate tile from Lowes. It has a lot of metallic streaks in it, some of which looks like rust. I found this info.... Suitability of Rocks in the Aquarium - A Practical Guide ...the "heavy metals" section says that rust is this true? :thanks:
  9. tulip55555

    Question about L-144 Blue eyed ancuistrus

    Helloooo. I bought a blue eyed lemon (L-144) at my LFS. Some in the tank at the store had one or two black spots on them in various places on their bodies. The one I bought 3 weeks ago did not seem to have one, but it has started to develop one over it's gill area. It seems absolutely normal and...
  10. tulip55555

    For Sale or trade: Amazon Swords

    I have 4 amazon sword plants that are not growing in a good form with my lighting and/or ferts. They all have great root systems, but you would probably want to cut them back so basically I have 4 root balls. Asking $7 shipped in 1st class bubble mailer OR trade for crypt balansae, narrow leaf...
  11. tulip55555

    Using salt to disinfect/clean aquarium

    I have a used aquarium that I need to disinfect. I am going to use bleach, but would also like to use salt....I want to be sure and kill EVERYTHING! Question is....will the salt scratch a glass aquarium? I'd like to use a salt paste for some abrasiveness. Thanks
  12. tulip55555

    Rid Ich

    Should I increase the temp while using Rid Ich?? An I add epsom salt to aid the Ich fight while I am using Rid Ich?? The active ingredients are formalin and malachite green. Thanks
  13. tulip55555

    timed photo period and plant growth...

    So I just bought a timer and I was wondering if having a precise photo period affect growth at all?? Thanks
  14. tulip55555

    Angel fish and lighting

    I have a 40g tall planted tank and I just upgraded my lights to 1x24Watt T5 bulb. I used to have 1x20Watt T8. I know it's not much difference, but my angels are all taking cover. Has anyone else had fish that needed time to acclimate to brighter light? Or do angels have a low light requirement...
  15. tulip55555

    ?? about PFS

    Does pool filter sand compact easily? This might be a dumb question, but does it have any CEC?
  16. tulip55555

    Where to find Turface in MI

    Looking for Turface/Pro's Choice/SMS any place within 50 miles of Warren, MI 48089. Anybody know a place that sells GRAY or BLACK calcinated clay??? I've tried John Deere/Lesco, garden centers and local athletic field builders.
  17. tulip55555

    help-soil substrate

    I am researching substrates. I don't want to mineralize my own topsoil. Has anyone used organic potting soil or mix? I would love some PROS and CONS. I plan on capping it with Fluorite and maybe <1inch pool sand between the soil and fluortie, but not really sure if the sand is necessary. Also...
  18. tulip55555

    T5 or LED??

    I am researching a lighting upgrade. I have a 40g tall planted tank. Which would be better for plants? i do not want to do co2 btw. the LED I was looking at is a Marineland with these specs 24"-36" - (8) 1 Watt daylight LED's, 4 Lunar LED's, 600 Lumens PAR/LUX at 24" is 19/1750...
  19. tulip55555

    question about filter media

    I have a Whisper filter and whenever I rinse the floss out it is black. Is filter media supposed to turn black? I empty the carbon out of it before I use it. I just put a new one in last week and I rinsed it today and it's just black and it doesn't look any different even after I squeezed it out...
  20. tulip55555

    For Sale or trade: Java moss

    I have about 2 golf ball+ portions of java moss. It is snail and algae free. I am looking to sell for $3 each plus shipping $5.20 priority or trade for low light plants. I would really like some java fern, but there are lots of other plants that I want. Please post pics if you want to trade...
  21. tulip55555

    Help battling algae

    Helloooo there. I have an algae problem. Not sure what kind, but it looks like black or dark green spots mostly on my plants. I did a MAJOR cleaning today. I pulled out every plant and rock and soaked them in potassium permanganate then sprayed with undiluted Seachem Excel and left them sit...
  22. tulip55555

    Plz help figure out what's wrong with my sword plant

    Hi. I'm new to planted tanks, so maybe this sword is supposed to look like this...the veining and stem that runs down the middle of some leaves is much lighter than the rest of the leaf. Not all of my swords look like this, just two, and on those two not all the leaves look like that either...
  23. tulip55555

    Changing substrate

    Is there any easy way to change (or add more) substrate with fish in the tank? :thanks:
  24. tulip55555

    fresh veg for ancistrus??

    Just got my first ancistrus. What fresh veg (or fruit???) do you feed them? Cooked or raw?? And how long do you leave it in the tank? :thanks:
  25. tulip55555

    Which of your fish is your favorite??

    Ok, so I'm a little bored...Which of your fish is your favorite and why? Post pics if you can Mine is a blue marble angel. He's not shy at all...he comes right to the glass when I get close (and he's watching me, not just begging for food). AS SOON as I lift my head off the pillow in the...
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