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  1. tarpon

    iridescent sharks as food

    so i just found out that lots of people eat the iridescent sharks we see in the pet shops! theyre also known as swai and are farmed in asia for food. the restaurant i work at serves them as catfish. it actually tasted pretty good. so has anyone else ever tried iridescent shark (swai)??
  2. tarpon

    snail id?

    This snail appeared in my shrimp tank a few months ago. He has since quadrupled in size. I suspect he came in on the moss in the bag they were in. I haven't noticed any other snails and I like him but I'm wondering what type he is? And if he/she has the ability to reproduce without a mate?
  3. tarpon

    mixing saltwater

    If I leave the water mixing overnight with a powerhead would I still need to use dechlorinator? Or does it evaporate out?
  4. tarpon

    shrimp breeding temperature

    Hello, I've been keeping my red rilis at around 79 degrees. I was wondering What the "optimal" temperature for breeding and good health is. Idk if 79 is too high or not. My parameters are good and I try to keep the nitrates low, and give them a shrimp pellet for about 30 minutes every few days...
  5. tarpon

    witnessed shrimp molting.

    It was the coolest thing ever. I just happened to look into my shrimp tank at exactly the right time and I see one of my shrimp looks a little strange. As I'm closey staring at it, in the blink of an eye I saw it shoot backwards out of the old shell, leaving it behind. I wish I couldve gotten it...
  6. tarpon

    what is your shrimp feeding schedule?

    Hello, I was wondering What different things you guys use to feed your shrimp, and how often? I currently have 10red rilis in a 5g with alot of algae. I know they probably need some added protein in their diet besides just eating algae. That's all they've been eating so far and they're growing...
  7. tarpon

    electric blue crayfish compatibility?

    Hello, do you think I'd be able to keep a single crayfish in a 30 gallon with 10-15 neon tetras? Or would they end up snacks?
  8. tarpon

    low light surface cover plant?

    Hello, I was wondering if there are any nice looking low light plants that will provide surface cover?
  9. tarpon

    saltwater at petco

    Is the premixed saltwater at petco rodi water? And has anyone had success with it.
  10. tarpon

    dwarf seahorses in fluval spec 5?

    Hello, I was wondering if anyone's kept dwarfs in a fluval spec before? I have a fw one now and am thinking of converting it for dwarfs. Also, What are some things ill need besides refractometer, sw test kit? Is the sump filtration too strong for the dwarfs? The pump can be directed at the...
  11. tarpon

    how to turn off status bar notification?

    Hello, I was wondering if there is a way to turn off the status bar notification for an updated thread on the app? it hasn't been working very good, is quite random, and is now spamming my phone with a thread that hasn't been updated. Samsung galaxy s2
  12. tarpon

    shrimp in sump...UGH

    One of my rilis managed to swim right through the grating in my fluval spec 5. Im having a tough time getting him out. My nets too big. It's 3am. And in the sump I also discovered around 30 dead shrimplets...very disheartening.
  13. tarpon

    left heater on during pwc

    I left my fluvial heater on with the water below the minimum line for maybe 30 seconds. Should I be concerned? Ive also left it submerged above the Max line for a very short time once before.
  14. tarpon

    fluval spec 5 lights?

    Just picked up a fancy spec 5 for an invert tank. How good are the lights on these?
  15. tarpon

    transferring shrimplets

    I have around 20 newborn shrimplets (about 2-3 mm) in a filtered 2 gallon bait bucket with moss and a little plants and I was wondering what the safest way to transfer them to a new 4 gallon shrimp only tank would be? Or Should I be patient and let them grow a little more?
  16. tarpon

    your thoughts on my DIY sponge filter?

    I made this sponge filter using one of those fluval edge pre filters into which I inserted an appropriately sized plastic tube. I then inserted an air stone inside. My main questions are: 1- do you think this small of a sponge will provide sufficient filtration when connected to a 5gallon air...
  17. tarpon

    neocaridina flow rate?

    Hi all. I was wondering what flow rate red cherries and blue rills prefer? And if they will do well in a moderate-high flow
  18. tarpon

    blue rili shrimp

    I just got 4 of these guys online for my 10 gallon. Ordered 4 more last night but it said they won't ship til the 7th. Because of the holiday. I'm hoping they'll breed and color up more as they settle in. They're hiding now
  19. tarpon

    My DIY water chiller for small aquariums

    My idea for this water chiller is to have a water pump of some sort connect to airline tubing and pump the water out of the aquarium and through a small cooler full of ice. The tubing will be coiled inside to cooler to maximize cooling time. The now cooler water will then be pumped back into the...
  20. tarpon

    endlers livebearers and betta compatibility?

    Hello, I'm wondering if anyone has kept betas and endless together successfully or if it's a bad idea. I know bright colored guppy can be bad. My betta seems to be pretty mellow so far and doesn't bother shrimp I have another tank i can move them too if I need to
  21. tarpon

    what plants can i keep with this light?

    i just bought the marineland "single bright led lighting system" for my ten gallon tank. im wondering what light requirement plants i can keep with it. it has a whole bunch of 60 watt LED's and says it puts out 300 lumens. it doesnt say anything else. any replies are appreciated.
  22. tarpon

    RCS in planted lidless 10 gallon?

    does this seem like ill be asking for jumpers? the tanks right next to my bed and id hate to wake up to shrimp hitting me in the face or dead on the floor.
  23. tarpon

    bug bombing?

    We are bug bombing to get rid of fleas 0_0. I was wondering what I should do with my 10 and 30 gallon tanks so my fish avoid harm? Thanks
  24. tarpon

    will my ghost shrimp nip my bettas fins?

    I just bought a betta to add to my 10 gallon tank with 8 ghost shrimp. Hes gonna be the sole fish and have to whole tank to strech his beautiful fins in. Im kinda worried that if he goes to the bottom the ghosts will pick on him cuz hes still pretty small. Has anyone had any experience with this...
  25. tarpon

    GBR/ bolivian rams w/angels in a 30 gallon?

    I really like the look of these fish. Would I be able to put 2 gbrs or bolivians in with my 2 angels? I only have a few bottom feeders in with them right now.
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