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  1. N

    fry survival in community tank

    You also want to "fry-proof" your filter so there is no chance they get sucked up into it when they start swimming in the main part of your tank. Nylon socks are supposed to work well, a sponge would work too
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    need advice for tank cleaning

    Do not clean your tank this way. If your tank has never had a water change then it probably has some very high levels of waste. You may think this means you must give them brand new sparkly clean water right away, but this could kill your fish. IF your tank has high levels of ammonia, nitrite...
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    Beginner has baby Mollies by accident

    Firstly, the Clown Loach and the Rainbow Shark can both get quite big, you may want to reconsider what fish you are getting, the loach alone can get to be 10-12. Now then, I keep mollies, and my female has fry every 3-4 months, so try to make sure that you will have good homes for these fish...
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    I just realized .......

    I can't really tell if it is a molly, platy, or a female swordtail, but quite honestly it doesn't really matter. All three are closely related, and guppies as well, and all 4 species can interbreed. This has been done in the commercial fish market to poduce "Guppy tail" Mollies. The only thing...
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    It really depends on the fish you are trying to breed, some fish are more "parental" than other fish. I'm not sure how neons raise their fry or take care of thier eggs (if at all) so you should probably look this up online. You also need to look up what conditions your kind of fish will spawn...
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    Stocking my 10 gallon...

    I lost a marbled hatchet because it jumped out of my tank (I have a pretty secure full hood, but there's an opening for the HOB) and I never found the poor bugger :(
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    I think something is wrong with my filter's sponge

    Nothing new, Tetra Pro Crisps, Tropical Flakes, and some Wardley's flakes (sp?) My dad may or may not have fed some powdered betta food when the fry were small, but I don't know. I'm going to change the sponge soon anyway, it's gotta be full of snails by now
  8. N

    I think something is wrong with my filter's sponge

    It's not bacteria or algea, I'm used to the rusty color from that, but my sponge turned the color of the word red in my first post, and it will not rinse out at all. The only meds I have are MelaFix and PrimaFix (and some ICH meds which I haven't used since I put this sponge in). Other stuff...
  9. N

    I think something is wrong with my filter's sponge

    For some reason the sponge in my AC 150 turned RED over the summer. Has anyone had this happen before?
  10. N

    Going to set up my first QT tank

    Cost is my main reason for not getting a ten gallon, that and I only plan on adding about 3 more fish and ghost shrimp, then MAYBE seeing if I can find a nice healthy betta to take over the QT tank. Also I live on campus and they have a rule of ten gallons per person (getting around that by...
  11. N

    Going to set up my first QT tank

    After I move back to my dorm and make sure my ten gallon is settled (babies and loach taken to the LFS and tank in good condition) I want to add some new fish (most likely one of the varieties of "blue-eyes" rainbowfish), and being sick of always having to treat my whole tank for ICH, I want to...
  12. N

    AquaClear 500

    I have an AC 150 on my ten gal Only thing about an AC is that sometimes the impeller blades and motor get gunked up and stop, so you probably want to clean it when you clean the filter media
  13. N

    AquaClear 500

    I have an AC 150 on my ten gal Only thing about an AC is that sometimes the impeller blades and motor get gunked up and stop, so you probably want to clean it when you clean the filter media
  14. N


    I wouldn't be suprised if they were damaged by someone who didn't have a clue what they were doing, last month I was at a WalMart in NY and I saw that there were two chiclids in a tank with mollies and I told teh person working there that the fish were in the wrong tanks b/c of water conditions...
  15. N

    HELP! Filter stopped working!

    Mine turned off while my dad was watching my tank, he went and bought a whisper *groans*, you just have to keep the motor clean....I probably should have warned him about that, would have saved him 20 bucks
  16. N

    Overheated fish

    I keep my aquarium at around 84 all the time. Sounds like you need an air pump and/or to divide your current 10 gallon with the one you are setting up
  17. N

    Newbie with a Molly Fry Question

    I don't think so, and IMO things will probably get worse between these two and the male as they get bigger and closer to his size. If they are already attacking him while they are too small for you to sex, then I can;t see them getting any better when they get full size
  18. N

    Vacation Problem :(

    I have got a Fish Mate automatic feeder, from a Fosters & Smith it cost me about 28$, it works well IME, uses 2 AA batteries, you can sset it to feed once to four times a day. As for getting the food down to the fry, I set it up so that it dispenses the food near the water return from my...
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    SwordTail keeps pecking at Mickey Mouse Platy

    76 degrees should be fine for tropical fish, you'd probably want the heater to make sure the temperature doesn't drop when the lights are off **edit** I bought a pair of otos once and they rid my entire 10 gal including gravel, glass, and decorations of algea in two days, make sure you have...
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    pregnant oto?!

    I don't think otos are live-bearers, though I could be wrong. Even so, they might be eggs. I would buy some plants that the fry could hide in like java moss. I don't have any personal experience with otos, so I can't really help much
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    I wouldn't risk it. If the gravel or paint is porous enough then it would be a real challenge to get the bleach out. I don't really mess with bleach, i just use hot water.
  22. N

    Newbie with a Molly Fry Question

    Are the two males? That could be what is making them so aggressive, more males than females in the tank. I've never seen anything like that with my mollies, but I usually take the fry to the LFS as soon as the owner will take them (about 1-1.5") Pity your female died, my female had a very...
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    Plant Q

    Try going through I've browsed a few others too, but I couldn't remember any of the other sites
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    wild sailfin mollies, but the sail ain't there?

    I thought it was a matter of selective breeding (i.e. human intervention), of course I never really looked into it, just assumed. Maybe they just aren't sailfins.
  25. N

    20 gallon brackish

    I use freshwater aquarium salt from Aquarium Pharmaceutials
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