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  1. P

    Cycling: with help from my 29 gal

    I recently bought a used 20 gal from my neighbour. *I've had my 10 gal for about 2 and a half years now, and my 29 gal for a bit more than a year. Everything is going well; I vacuum the gravel and change the water every Sunday. ~I was wondering, when I set up this 20 gal tank, Could I fill...
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    Garage Sale Aquarium :)

    I see that someone has already made a post about the same thing...But I just have to share my experience also. Yesterday, my neighbours were having a garage sale, since they are moving soon. I noticed an aquarium, so I went over to check it out. I was amazed at the great deal I could get. It...
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    Lighting in my 29gal

    A bit more than a year ago, I bought a Topfin 29gal starter kit from Petsmart. It came with a 20 watt fluorescent light...which still works today. I have different types of plants in my tank... 1 melon sword (which grows very fast!), 2 types of grass, 2 amazon swords, and 1 Anacharis. I keep...
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    Is This Anacharis?

    Could someone please tell me what kind of plant this is. I recently bought it at Super Pet, but I don't think they had a name for it. I looked at some websites about plants, and I found that it resembeled the Anacharis the most. Not completely sure though... Thankyou :)
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    Guppies and Loaches

    Would it be possible to add some guppies to my 29 gal, even though I have a clown loach? I looked on a chart and it said 'Caution' for guppies and loaches. I have 3 endler's livebearers in my tank and the clown loach never goes near them. I say that because obviously, endler's are smaller than...
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    Help with lights/amount of time

    Recently, I added 3 live plants to my 29 I know I will have to leave the lights on for longer now. Usually, I would turn them on when I got home from school, at around 4:15pm, and I turn them off before bed, usually 10:30- 11 pm. I see that that is only about 6-7 hours... and that the...
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    Feeding snails to the clown loach

    I recently got a clown loach. I have also been breeding some snails for a while now in a 2 gal. I have probably over 100 of them, and they are very tiny. The biggest is about __ . I want to feed some to my clown loach. So, do I just drop some baby snails into my 29 gal? Should I prepare them...
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    My New Melon Sword

    This is my first post in the Planted Tank section... since i finally got a live plant :) I have had my new melon sword plant for a bit more than a week now, and it is doing great. Already a nice new reddish/green leaf is growing very fast! pretty exciting.. But there is one problem. It was my...
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    Weird shaped fish

    I noticed that about 5 of my platies have been acting funny. They have had clamped fins for a while, but then it got better. But then I started to notice some of them scratching on objects like my plants and big rocks. I shall answer the questions: 1~ It is my platies, especially one of them...
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    blue hi-fin platy

    My blue hi-fin platy has clamped fins. I would move her to my QT but my 21 platy babies are in there. What should I do?
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    pretty chocolate gouramis

    I was at Big Al's yesterday buying some endler's, when I noticed a tank of chocolate gouramis. They were so small and cute!! Right away, I wanted to own some ( I am hoping to get another tank..LOL). So I came home and looked for a bit of information on them. I read that they are pretty difficult...
  12. P

    cleaning silk/plastic plants and decorations

    I just have a quick question... Today I was cleaning my tanks and noticed that my big grey/blue and pink/white rocks are really dirty...sorta brown. Also, my silk plants have become brown and especially my nice, tall green plastic plant. How can i clean these up? I have tried several times...
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    21 platy fry :)

    Yesterday I bought a pregnant mickeymouse platy...and she was really big. I put her in my QT last night hoping that if she had babies, I could maybe keep some. I put a big plastic plant in so it would float on the top. This morning when I woke up, I saw a little orange thing on the blue plastic...
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    betta and platy

    About a week ago, I made a post about where I should keep my male betta. People suggested I put him in my 29 gal...but to watch out because the tetras would be aggressive. I had him in the 29 gal for about an hour, and then i noticed his fins were sort of split at the ends (from the tetras, I...
  15. P

    female platy changed...??

    I have noticed something very weird on one of my female neon orange platies. If you look at my pics in my gallery, you will notice one very fat one...which many people have said looks pregnant. Well, a couple of days ago, i was looking in my tank, and i noticed that something about her was...
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    where should the betta go?

    Since it is so terrible of me to keep my betta in a bowl, would it be better if i put him in my 29 gal with some platies and some tetras? If i did this, would i have to keep him in that floating box thing for bettas/livebearers? thankyou.
  17. P

    my angels don't last ... :(

    Since I started my 29 gal a while ago, I have tried to keep 3 very small angelfish. (All at different times of course). The first time, I had a marble one. I had him for about a week, and then one day, it just disappeared. (I made a post about this). The next one i got, was about a month ago...
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    Fuzzy betta

    I bought 2 bettas 8 days ago...a blue/purple and a red one. They are in their own 1 gallon bowls. I used water from my 29 gal to fill these bowls...which has good water (0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 10 nitrate, ph 7.4) They've both been eating well and seem healthy... but this morning i came to see...
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    New angelfish

    Today I purchased a baby angelfish. I noticed the tail was a bit torn, but other than that, it seemed healthy. I asked the girl at the store if Melafix would solve the problem. I read on my melafix bottle that you can add 1 teaspoon per 10 gallons when adding new fish. So if i do this, can i...
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    clamped fins

    Hello What is the best thing to do when you see that one of your fish has clamped fins and hides? my orange platy has been doing this, she doesnt seem happy :( but my parameters are good and everyone else seems happy... TIA
  21. P

    why arent they having babies?!

    in my 29 gal i have 9 platies.... 3 of them are male and 6 are female. i also have 4 mollies. 2 male, 2 female. i always see people on here talking about how their livebearers are constantly breeding and they dont even have to do anything special to encourage their breeding. this is so...
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    is this true?

    im not sure if i imagined this, but i think i read somewhere that some people use real sea salt, the kind you can buy in a grocerie store, in their aquariums!! lol anyone know anything about this?
  23. P

    why has my black molly faded?

    one of my black mollies is fading. it seems like its turning greyish/silver. it isnt like fuzz or a bump or anything... it just seems faded. I would like to know if this is bad? is it a sign of disease or something? i vacuum my gravel and change the water once a week. everyone else is healthy...
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    need help quick plz

    i noticed today that one of my black molly's eye has white fluff and its head is kinda grey/faded black...( i read on some sites that it could be flukes, i dont know...) so i want to treat it with quick cure right away. but the problem is, in my QT right now, i have a platy who is almost better...
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    new quarantine tank

    i have some questions on how to set up this tank... - how often will i have to clean this tank? im sure i would after medicating, but what about when i just put my new fish in there for like 2 weeks when i first buy them? - i think i read somewhere that you should fill the QT with water from...
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