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  1. T

    Filtration questions for my new 100 gallon long.

    All my life i've been using Hob filters, on multiple tank sizes from 5g to 90g. I recently acquired a 6ft long 100 g tank. (18"w x 18"h) This new tank, in the end, will have pfs substrate, lots of plants and driftwood, and be stocked with some rams, a few apistos, tetras and discus. I am...
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    2 different kinds of pennywort? float it or plant it?

    Ive had some pennywort for a few months now. It has a thin green stem and I had it planted in the substrate. A couple days ago I received a shipmeny of assorted plants I bought from aquabid. The pennywort I received within this shipment is considerably different. Although the leaves are pretty...
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    any advice for maintaining a "stable" environment for shrimp?

    In regards to neocaridina I have come across several references stating that stable water parameters tend to be more important than the parameters themselves when it comes to having happy healthy breeding colonies. Wouldnt each water change alter the tanks parameters? Im struggling to get my...
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    can you ship java moss in cold temperatures?

    I found a really good deal on java moss but the shipper has no heat packs. Has anyone had any luck shipping/receiving java moss in temperatures fro 30-40 f or 0-5 degrees Celsius?
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    Caltrate calcium supplements... good for freshwater shrimp?

    Ive come across several references of people adding caltrate (without vitamin D) for their snails to improve their shells. Among such references, there are some comments that shrimp love it too. But is caltrate safe for shrimp? And is it good for them?
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    looking for a good, reputable breeder of fire reds.

    I just got some beautiful fire reds from shrimpusadotcom but unfortunately I didnt get any males in the shipment. Thats ok though cause id like to add shrimp from a different source now to start a healthy colony. Can anyone recommend a good breeder that can ship to northern michigan or even...
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    im a total fantasy nerd and I want to put "the one ring" from LOTR in one of my tanks

    im a total fantasy nerd and I want to put "the one ring" from LOTR in one of my tanks Which metals (if any) are safe for shrimp and fish? I want to put the ring from Lord of the Rings in one of my tanks. Is tungsten safe? What about gold plated?
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    building java moss wall. are all plastics safe for use?

    I've seen many references online using a stiff plastic mesh to make a moss wall. At my local craft store I found some 8x10 sheets of this stuff in the sewing/quilting section. But the holes are very tiny... at my local dollar store I found some plastic garden mesh in a roll, Probly about 10...
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    high ph in shrimp tank. what's the best way to lower it?

    Long story short..I had some rocks my cherry shrimp Tank 4.5g my ph was high at 8! I never really tested anything till this week when my first shrimp died. So I tried to figure out why my ph was so high and turns out these rocks (slate with fossils in it) failed the vinegar test (I had used...
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    i just witnessed my cherry shrimp mating, how long till berried?

    i can only assume what i just saw was shrimpy coitus. A male locked together belly to belly with a saddled female flicking around a couple times then lying still together for 30 seconds or so before separating. the female was then chased after by a couple other males but she was quick to get...
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    imo here's a cool pic of a cherry shrimp hanging out on a fiddler crab.

    I just gave a few cherries to a friend today. He has 2 neons, 4 guppies, a couple large tetras of some kind, and 2 fiddlers. To be honest, I didn't think they would survive, but so far, through the first 8 hours, all the fish and crabs are ignoring them. Anyway, I thought this pic he sent me was...
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    black silicone in homemade aquarium

    I was just given a 10g aquarium from a friend. It looks like it was homemade using black silicone. Is there anyway to tell if it's safe? My friend got it off someone else a couple Years ago but he never used it...If it dos have mildewcide in it, would it still be active?
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    transferring RC shrimp to new tank, is my cycling plan a good one? or doomed to fail?

    ok... so i have 15 or so cherry shrimp in a 4.5 gallon. I am setting up a new 10 gallon tank to transfer them into, and will be adding 20-30 more shrimp in the near future. i have read several times that shrimp do better in established aquariums so i have sort of a plan to get this new tank...
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    cfl bulbs for standard incandescent aquarium hood?

    I know I could easily go to Wal-Mart or home depot to check for myself but it's late, they're closed, and I'm impatient. :) I want to replace my incandescent lights on 10 gallon with cfls. But I don't want to modify/rebuild my current hood. Is it easy to find suitable daylight 6500k cfl bulbs...
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    plant noobie: experiencing good growth but do i need more light?

    I have Java Ferns, Pennywort, ludwigea, wisteria, , water sprite, an ozelot sword, and a little bit of java moss. all of these plants are doing much better than i ever thought they would considering i use no fertilizer of any sort, they are rooted in regular aquarium gravel, and according to i...
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    rereceived fire red shrimp in the mail. not much color.

    On Thursday Feb 21 I got 22 fire red shrimp in the mail. They were smaller than I expected, and for the most part , Lacking in color. They range in size from 1/4 inch to3/4 inches. Only one of them is a nice red, and he's about 5/8 of an inch. All of the largest ones are a nice orange color...
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    hair algae problem cured!

    A couple weeks ago I received 20 or so plants off a hobbyist who had given up on his planted tank due to an outbreak of long hair green algae. The plants were covered in the stuff. Some strands were over 2 inches long! I have been waiting for the LFS to order me a bottle of Flourish Excel was...
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    do fire red shrimp eat long hair green algae

    I'm getting some fire reds next week. And yesterday I was given a lot of live plants that are covered in long strands of hair algae. Will the fire reds clean this up? Please reply with your own experience as I have found conflicting reports online about this.
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    small yoyo loach and rs

    small yoyo loach and rcs I'm getting some fire reds next week and I was really hoping to add them to my community tank. But have read that yoyos love to eat them. My yoyo is currently less than 2 inches. Probly closer to 1.5. Is he still a threat at that size? I am aware that all fish will eat...
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    my LFS cannot get apistogrammas!?? (dwarf cichlids)

    are apistogrammas or other dwarf cichlids really that hard to find? I live in Sault ste Marie Ontario Canada. Population 75 ,000 people. There are 2 fish stores here and both tell me they have never carried nor can they order apistogrammas.... I was really hoping to get some cockatoos.. In...
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    kribensis color

    My LFS has a lot of cichlids but most if not all of them are lacking in color. In particular, the kribs I was hoping to add have no yellow or red on their bodies. They do have a nice lateral line and good looking fins but the rest of the body is pure white. The staff at the store say it's...
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