hair algae problem cured!

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 31, 2013
A couple weeks ago I received 20 or so plants off a hobbyist who had given up on his planted tank due to an outbreak of long hair green algae.

The plants were covered in the stuff. Some strands were over 2 inches long!
I have been waiting for the LFS to order me a bottle of Flourish Excel was planning to kill off the algae by overdosing with it.

As it turns out.. some seemingly unlikely fish of mine feasted ravenously on this nasty algae, now it's almost completely gone! who are these algae eating friends you ask? 4 platys, 2 kribensis, and 1 of my two male kribensis seemed to eat most of it by himself!

I was quite surprised to see these fish devour hair algae like this, and more than pleased with the results!
Anyone else have experience With efficient but seemingly unlikely algae eating fish?
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