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  1. Rose22

    Plugging a drilled tank

    I found a great deal on a 125, but it's drilled. I am putting this up in my science classroom. It will be sitting on top of the lab counter, not on a stand. I don't have space in my room to just put it on the stand. I have no way/am not allowed to drill through the stone counters to run things...
  2. Rose22

    Large South American Tank Size

    I'm thinking of setting up a large South American Tank in my science classroom. I am thinking of doing an Oscar, severums, blood parrots, Jack dempsey, convict, pleco. In it's final/adult stage, how big it a tank should I go to house these? Also, does this look like an okay combination? How...
  3. Rose22


    Hey all, I was thinking of getting some severums to replace my 8 year old breeding pair of Angels in my 65g community tank. The tank looks so empty without them. ? Anyway, I haven't really found any info one way or another on how many to keep together. Is this a single specimen fish, or could...
  4. Rose22

    65 gallon planted stocking

    Hey all, After 8 years, the last of my angelfish pair passed. I bought them as an adult pair, so I'm not sure how old they actually were. This has left a large hole in my tank. I'm thinking of doing a restock but am wondering on suggestions. The tank is a 65 gallon planted Amazon type biotope...
  5. Rose22

    25g tank ideas

    In the distant future, I may consider re-stocking my 25g tank. The tank has 3 amazon swords, and 2 anubias along with several fake plants, and 3 large pieces of rose quartz. Sand substrate. I would like a tank with a lot of color and movement, that looks "full". I already have a platy...
  6. Rose22


    I will be moving to a new state, and am wondering what to do with my fish tanks? We are moving about 6 hours away, so a pretty lengthy treck for fish I would say. I have a 10 gallon, that is currently WAY over run with platys. I've had platys before and had them breed, but they were NEVER...
  7. Rose22

    Betta Fins

    I'm setting up a 5 gallon tank at work for a betta. I've been testing/monitoring the chemistry. Today it was 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 5-10 nitrate. I want to let it run until Monday before adding my fish. With Easter vacation this weekend I wont be at work Fri-Mon and dont want to leave him...
  8. Rose22

    Betta and Ghost shrimp

    I am setting up a 5 gallon aquarium on my desk at work. I think I have decided to put a male betta in there (maybe divide the tank and do 2? Thoughts?). I was thinking of putting a few ghost shrimp in there first. I read the shrimp are less likely to be eaten if they are there before the...
  9. Rose22

    GBR eggs

    I was walking by my tank today, and noticed my GBR guarding a leaf on a sword plat LOADED with eggs. She is the only Ram in the tank, so what will happen to the eggs? Are they just going to die? I feel bad for her going through all this work basically for no reason. What should I do?
  10. Rose22

    Stand out fish

    I was wondering what color fish to get that will really pop in a natural tank. The tank will have natural tan colored sand (not white but normal colored), broad leaf anubias, Lucky bamboo, driftwood, and a few pieces of rose quartz. I will be getting a single betta, so I really want him to...
  11. Rose22

    Splitting Plants

    I have 2 Anubias plants that have gotten much bigger then I would like for where they are planted. I would like to cut pieces off and fill in some other spots with the cuttings. How do you do this? Can you do it?
  12. Rose22

    Work Tank

    I have a few 3 gallon and 1 gallon tanks laying around. I was thinking of taking one of them to work. The one I like best is 3 gallon, has a filter and LED lighting. Its an oval type shape, so it would fit well on my desk. Any ideas on what I could put in it or is it not worth it? I would...
  13. Rose22

    Schooling Fish

    I was just given a 10 gallon aquarium for my classroom! One of the other biology teachers had 1 lone goldfish that died this last week. He was going to take it down and store it, but I said I would take it. I switched it from gravel to sand, but mixed a few handfuls of tank gravel in with the...
  14. Rose22


    I have a few platy in my 30 gallon tank. There is 1 male and 3 females. The male is what I would call a blue wag. His whole body is blue, but all his fins are black like a red wag. One of the female looks exactly like him. The second female is a bumblebee platy. She is all yellow, but has...
  15. Rose22

    Fish to top of tank

    I'm wondering if there is a way to encourage my fish to swim more towards the top of the tank? I thought Danios were supposed to be a mid upper level swimmer. I have 6 of them, and they are almost exclusivly at the bottom. They like to zip in and out of the caves and plants down by the...
  16. Rose22

    Ich treatment

    I'm fairly sure my fish has Ich. I noticed a few white speckles on one fish's tail a week or so ago. Originally I though it was just the tail coloration, but then a few days later I noticed it didn't have the spots. Well, now I have 3 fish with small white spots on their tails. I just want...
  17. Rose22

    10g stocking

    I am getting ready to finally move the last few fish out of my very overcrowded 10g and into my 30g. Hopefully by next week. I will be leaving 3 Platy, 1 blue ram, and 1 Julii Cory in the 10g. I know the cory should be in a group of at least 4, but I dont have enough room for 3 more Julii...
  18. Rose22


    I was wondering what a good brand/type of dechlorinator would be. Anything people have had really good success with or are they all about the same?Thanks.
  19. Rose22

    Aggressive Platy

    I have a pretty aggressive male Platy in my 10 gallon tank. I currently have a male/female pair of blue plays and a male/female pair of coral highfin platys in this tank along with other fish. My blue male beats up my other male platy and my angelfish. He is much bigger than the highfin male...
  20. Rose22

    New and making mistakes

    Hello, I am new to this site, and really keeping fish. I have had fish before, but it was basically a trial and error sort of thing. I have recently decided to get back into the hobby, and find myself makeing many mistakes yet again,:facepalm: but at least this time I'm making an effort to...
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