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    Another Lighting Suggestion Thread

    I'm looking for suggestions for a light on a 10g tank that contains sand substrate, Java moss, sword plant (possibly bleheria or something), and a few male guppies. Have been dealing with some black feather algae too which I blame on too strong a light on too long. I will be purchasing a timer...
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    For Sale: Java Moss

    I have 2 clumps of Java Moss around golf ball size (maybe a little bigger) for sale. $7 each with shipping included. PM me if interested and must have Paypal. thanks! This is 1 clump This is what I'm weening out lol Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
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    3-eyed guppy fry

    Just wanted to share a first for me, a 3-eyed guppy fry. So strange. This is the only deformity out of 40+ in this drop.
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    Dinner Time!

    Somebody loves their algae wafers! Guppy fry and mystery snails
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    Need lighting suggestion 10g

    I have a 10g currently home to 30+ 3-week-old guppy fry and I'm looking to add a light for under $100. I have a bleheri sword and some java moss with a sand substrate. Any have suggestions for a nice light to add? I would like to add more easy to care for plants since I'm new to planted tanks...
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    DIY co2, pH, and guppies

    Amm 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 20 temp 79f planted tank (14 different plants) 1M, 2f guppies 1m black molly 5 cherry barbs 2 adf's 20g running since Xmas. pH before diy co2 was 7. I setup up (2) 2L co2 generators (sugar&yeast) and bubble counter diffused into hob intake on Thursday. Friday I checked...
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    For Sale: $20 Supply Lot OBO

    I cleaned out a cabinet and have some items to sell. I'd prefer to sell as a LOT for $20 OBO which includes flat rate priority shipping. Lot includes the following: Unopened API Proper pH 7.0 (8.8oz/250g container) exp. 02/2018 Unopened API pH Down (37ml) exp. 09/2016 (20) Jungle Ammonia Test...
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    Need more tanks!

    For those married or with significant others, how do/did you get MORE TANKS if your opposite doesn't want anymore??? I so want a fish room (mts) but my wife nags me about every little acquisition!!!! Going nuts here! I'm trying to gain her interest in the hobby!
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    CFL Lighting Question

    I want to replace the lights in my 20g high hood with cfl's but I'm not sure what to look for. I know I need 6500k daylight. My hood says max 25 watts. Can someone suggest a cfl bulb or should I look for mini cfl aquarium bulbs?
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    lighting for 10g with dwarf hairgrass?

    I'm looking for some opinions on growing dwarf hairgrass in a 10g with guppy fry and RCS. I've read it should have moderate lighting and I'm looking for suggestions as to a fixture I should get. I'm using pool filter sand substrate and will get excel. Any suggestions or preferences for lighting?
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    iPhone app PM question

    When I get a pm in the app on my iphone, there is a time stamp for the message. For a message sent at 515pm it shows a time stamp of 915pm. Is there away to fix this to show correct time? I can't find it in the apps settings.
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    Freshwater Reference Books

    I'm looking for suggestions of Freshwater books/magazines. What have/do you read? Are there any out there you find helpful? I know AA is the best but I can only look at a computer/phone for so long! Let's hear what you like!
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    Wanted: 10 Gallon Heater

    Does anyone have a spare heater suitable for a 10g they have no use for and wouldn't mind getting rid of? I figured I'd try the forum before I made a trip to you know who....
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    Wanted: Seeking 2 mystery snails...

    Hi I'm looking to get 2 mystery snails if anyone has some available. PM me if do please, thanks!
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    Seachem Prime Go Bad???

    I'm using prime for the first time and I notice a strong odor from the bottle. Just wondering if this is normal or does it go bad? If so how long does prime usually last in the bottle?
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    Show your ADF here!

    Don't leave me hang in' high four!
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    Info on hatching brine shrimp?

    I'd like to try hatching brine shrimp for my guppy fry, does anyone have some experience or info they could share? I have a general idea how to do it, but I'm not certain how to "gut-load" bbs or what to feed them to do it. Also where's a good place to get eggs for a good price?
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    Guppy giving birth

    Do guppies poop a lot after they are done dropping fry? I came home to find some fry hiding in the moss and I'm watching mom but she's only pooping right now, wondering if she's done?
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    Is PraziPro plant safe?

    I'm new and have some java moss in my qt with two pregnant guppies. One is flashing and I'd like to treat for parasites with Prazipro. Does anyone know if this med is safe with plants?
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    Prego Guppies and Prazipro

    Anyone know is it safe to use prazipro on 2 pregnant guppies? They're not yet squared off but they sure are huge! I'm just wondering what effect it may have on fry if they were to drop while I'm dosing the tank.
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    In need of java moss for fry!

    I'm new to this form, joined on 2/15. Anyway I'm in need of java moss or guppy grass for my guppy fry. I have 2 females, both are huge and I have no plants for the fry to hide. I'm not able to post in classifieds yet. Is anyone able to help me out or have any ideas?
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    Stringy white guppy feces???

    Is this white stringy guppy poo I read about and does it mean an internal parasite? What's the treatment? He's in a 10g qt with two female guppies who appear happy for almost a week. Appears somewhat lethargic. What would you diagnose and what should I do?? Hope you can see it
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    ADF's Carry Salmonella?

    I purchased 2 adf's recently and today I was looking something up on them and came across an article that says African Dwarf Frogs often carry salmonella! Obviously I was astonished when I read this and pretty concerned. Has anyone had any experiences with this sickness and linked it to your...
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    Water change question

    I want to start using seachem prime but I'm unsure of the dosage. I have a 20 gal tank so according to the dosage when I do a 25% wc I add .5 ml to the 5 gal I'm adding? Or do I add 2 ml to 5 gal for whole tank? Can you dose too much???
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    Heater broke help

    got home from work to find my eheim jäger heater filled up with water and broke. I have 5 cherry barb, 1 guppy, 1 molly 2 ghost shrimp, 2 adf's. Temp went from 78 down to 72 F. Will they be able to withstand those low temps for a few days til my new heater arrives? My backup is currently in a qt...
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