Need more tanks!

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 15, 2014
For those married or with significant others, how do/did you get MORE TANKS if your opposite doesn't want anymore??? I so want a fish room (mts) but my wife nags me about every little acquisition!!!! Going nuts here! I'm trying to gain her interest in the hobby!
Lol I get harassed about every little purchase for my 2 tanks, I think that would work!!!
Just remember its always easier to ask for forgiveness then it is for permission lol

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Trying a different road - I need a permanent QT, then a plant grow out tank, then I'm out of ideas but plan to get bigger tanks.
My method was to show her I could make money from the hobby, even if it's just enough to finance it.

Glad to report she's now watching for dollar a gallon sales to buy more tanks, lol.

I know not everyone has the time to devote to breeding fish so I can't say it will work for everyone
Timing and flowers.. I have a 5.5,10,20,29 running within 5 feet of each other in a not so big apt.. I'll set one up, take the beating, nice dinner and flowers and it's all love.. Also when fish drop fry she gets excited about the all over again.. And I get to set up fry tanks!! "But Sarah.. If I leave them in there they'll surely get munched"
Ah, leave it to the men and boys to try and trick their way through life when a straightforward approach would be so much more effective. :rolleyes:

Why don't you just sit your significant others down and explain to them how important your tanks are to you? How they make you happy and help you to de-stress and be content? If your spouses don't want that for you, why are you with them? COMMUNICATE, people! It's all we want!

So tired of seeing women painted as heartless overlords. :banghead:
sell off everything than go big :D
she may tell you 1 tank that don't mean not to get a nice big tank
once it's set up she has no choice but to deal with it lol:lol:
Well I took a different tact.
I was a fish wholesaler at the time so I just had the MRS. come to the warehouse and see all the pretty fishies I couldn't have due to the "Lackoftanks" condition. When she saw the beautiful colors and shapes and sizes, and I told her to pick out what she liked, we had no choice but to get more tanks because all that she picked couldn't live together. Then, in order to make these fish pay for themselves, I needed to add more tanks for breeding some of them. ( Bottom line, we had to move out of the apartment and into a house and I opened my second fish hatchery because the house was just too small. :D lol )
Honestly, I couldn't have it better. My girl lives the volume of tank and the fishes that are in them. When we set up our fish room it's what it is. We have ours, she has hers and I have mine. Beyond that, we'll have snakes and lizards also. It's the best gift a collector could have.
It's like pulling teeth with my husband. He will complain about therm every week. Usually about the sound that the hob makes. It sort of sucks but oh well. I deal with the complaining because it is worth it.
You can't just not be together for that reason. Compromise is what is needed.
Ah, leave it to the men and boys to try and trick their way through life when a straightforward approach would be so much more effective. :rolleyes:

Why don't you just sit your significant others down and explain to them how important your tanks are to you? How they make you happy and help you to de-stress and be content? If your spouses don't want that for you, why are you with them? COMMUNICATE, people! It's all we want!

So tired of seeing women painted as heartless overlords. :banghead:

? It's not a trick, it's a surprise! It's easier to make the other half happy through a medium that they enjoy, my example, shopping. New shoes make the tank seem less apparent, ooh look at my shoes. (Very nice honey, what else did you get? You're happy with the day, I'll smooth the new tank into dinner conversation, oh by the way. . .) the trick is to make some enquiries about which fish do you like (stock them first) ahhhhh it's them fish I like!

(We need overlords, you're not all heartless. What's the saying, behind every great man. . .) you say significant other? The reason you're significant, it must be that way or you would live on beer and bar b q and you would be completely overwhelmed by the man cave. (Proven by Experience) I don't know of a successful relationship where the man leads the way.

The trouble is, the fish room makes a nice crèche.
Honestly, I couldn't have it better. My girl lives the volume of tank and the fishes that are in them. When we set up our fish room it's what it is. We have ours, she has hers and I have mine. Beyond that, we'll have snakes and lizards also. It's the best gift a collector could have.

Lucky. Saying that, most people, either sex, will get into the other halves animals. All so quickly I became rabbit/guinea pig tender (oh you're going to the pet shop) then there was a cat!

Swings and roundabouts.
My hubby is starting to have issues with my MTS. Little does he know he's just gonna have deal with my new tank editions and fish he doesnt much care for. I let him have his guns and even partake in the fun of them. And he enjoys my fish too weather he complains or not. I guess at some point we will have to sit down and set a limit for both hobbies but until my water bill creeps up over a hundred and u have space for tanks. Surprise tanks are just gonna be a thing. Lol.
Buy them big tools like a mig welder. I got my 120g that way.

Although, he has steadfastly refused to move anymore big tanks into the house, he hasn't said anything about tanks that I can carry by myself...
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