1 gallon planted shrimp tank

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 10, 2011
Hello everyone, I'm usually on the saltwater side of this forum but I thought I would do a little project while I set up my reef tank. I've had a ton of tanks before but never any planted. I'm currently cycling a 1 gallon glass bowl aquarium that I want to use as a shrimp tank using the welstad method. I know nothing about planted tanks so I want to have easy plants that don't require co2 or fertilizers. I'll probably do micro sword and a java fern. Here's the stocking

3 rcs

Micro sword
Java fern

A glo fish



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I would skip the glofish, and go with 5 RCS. The rest of the plan sounds promising though. What kind of light is that? Any thought on the type of substrate you plan to use?
fort384 said:
I would skip the glofish, and go with 5 RCS. The rest of the plan sounds promising though. What kind of light is that? Any thought on the type of substrate you plan to use?

I'll be using plain river gravel from the lfs, and yeah I'm just going to stick with shrimp? Do you think I could put an African dwarf frog in there though?
Probably a little small for an ADF.

Not sure that a single 3W LED will grow much in the way of plants. Is it a Cree or designed for plant growth? Worth a try though.
No it's just a desk lamp. I've never done a planted tank so I have no idea it it will work someone on here said it would..?
fort384 said:
Watts per gallon is meaningless on a 1 gal tank.

Oh alright. Do you have any ideas for a DIY plant light for that bowl? Could I do a desk lamp with a 15w bulb?
SleepsWithFish said:
Oh alright. Do you have any ideas for a DIY plant light for that bowl? Could I do a desk lamp with a 15w bulb?

I use a desk lamp that takes a cfl over my 2.5g. That could work. Just buy the 6500K (daylight) bulbs. You would have to experiment with the height a little bit though.
Mumma.of.two said:
I use a desk lamp that takes a cfl over my 2.5g. That could work. Just buy the 6500K (daylight) bulbs. You would have to experiment with the height a little bit though.

You can put a cfl in a desk lamp?
SleepsWithFish said:
You can put a cfl in a desk lamp?

Yes, there's two types of CFL the ones with the smaller base that fit in aquarium hoods that take incandescent bulbs and the ones with the wider bases that replace normal incandescent bulbs in house hold fixtures. You can buy the ones with the standard size base at Walmart for $3-4 bucks for a 3 pack and put it in a cheap desk lamp over the tank. I believe they have ones that are equivalent to a 90 watt bulb.
Yup I agree. A CFL desk lamp would work very well. You will want to avoid an incandescent bulb.
Alright added substrate and a piece of driftwood. All levels are zero. This tank won't have a heater... Is that a problem? Room temp will be anywhere from 68-78. Also, how do I catch these guys from my ten gallon?
Water is kind of hard. I'm going to wait until it clears to add shrimp.


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