110 gal tall oceanic tank with solid oak furniture grade stand.
2-Marineland Emperor 400 Biowheel power filters
250 watt heater
Coralife HO T5 light 1-10,000K daylight bulb & 1-12,000 Actinic Blue bulb
Medium Mag-Float algae scrubber
4"-5" gravel base
Approx 75lbs of river rock about 12 pieces
2 large pieces of drift wood
8 plastic plants
Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Master Water Test Kit
All food, nets, chemicals, ect
Fish list:
9" Marble Sailfin Pleco L083
6" Common Pleco
8" Dovii/Jaguar Hybrid
6" Red Devil
5" Green Terror
4" Texas Cichlid
4" Convict Cichlid (male)
2-3" Convict Cichlid (females)
3" Jewel Cichlid (male)
2-3" Clown Loaches
5" Orange Freshwater lobster
$800.00 obo
2-Marineland Emperor 400 Biowheel power filters
250 watt heater
Coralife HO T5 light 1-10,000K daylight bulb & 1-12,000 Actinic Blue bulb
Medium Mag-Float algae scrubber
4"-5" gravel base
Approx 75lbs of river rock about 12 pieces
2 large pieces of drift wood
8 plastic plants
Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Master Water Test Kit
All food, nets, chemicals, ect
Fish list:
9" Marble Sailfin Pleco L083
6" Common Pleco
8" Dovii/Jaguar Hybrid
6" Red Devil
5" Green Terror
4" Texas Cichlid
4" Convict Cichlid (male)
2-3" Convict Cichlid (females)
3" Jewel Cichlid (male)
2-3" Clown Loaches
5" Orange Freshwater lobster
$800.00 obo