125 gallon Aquarium stocking question

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 17, 2012
Howdy. I'm setting up a 125 gallon aquarium and plan on keeping 2 Oscars, 1 Jack Dempsey and 1 Plycostomus. I will use a Fluval fx5 filter. Are 2 Oscars to much or should I stick with 1? Opinions?
I've never kept oscars but I think one would still be a better choice. If it were just the oscars I'd say you could do two, but with the other fish I probably wouldn't do it.
No jack with oscars i bought one yesterday and i woke up and my oscar had the crap beat out of him so i took back the jack and exchanged him for a mudskipper for another tank. I wouldnt do any ciclids except a few with an oscar. But i have my oscar with a sengal bichir and they do just fine together. You could have 2 oscars together thats fine in a 125 but u couldnt add anything else really.

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