For Sale or trade: 150 teardown

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Dec 27, 2008
Hammonton, NJ
150 breakdown
Okay I decided to break my tank down due to my last catastrophe.
I'm going to start selling my livestock first then will be selling the equipment.

Livestock list:

Live Rock :$3 lbs I have about 100lbs
3-4 inchYellow tang : $20
Coral beauty : $20 ( doesn't pick on corals)
Purple psuedochromis : $10
Blue/green chromis : free
Brain coral the size of a fist :$40
Green Coral cup 9" that is stressed out still but alive : $50
RBTA 3-4" : $40

Equipment list will follow.
Green polyp coral cup also known as a pagoda


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$10 for the head of acan don't know the name of it.


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How much would it cost to ship the brain? I'm in Oklahoma if that helps.
fadetoblack06 said:
How much to ship 20lbs of live rock to Kenosha, wi?

Looking about $150 shipped to your door. Think you would be able to find much cheaper local. IMO
Sorry everyone I'm trying to keep this a local sale
Due to I never shipped live corals or fish before.
Just came across your reef build a couple of days ago. I am really sorry about what happened.
I just am starting a 29 gallon (well saved it from a school that was about to throw everything out including the fish)
I would be interested in the Coral Beauty and the chormis if they are still available.
Might also be interested in the acan
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