180L Freshwater Aquarium Final Fish(es) Stocking Ideas?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 20, 2024
New Zealand
Hi Team,

I currently have a 180L freshwater planted aquarium with gravel as the substrate. Currently stocked with the following:
  • 20 Neon tetras
  • 10 Sterbai corydoras (juveniles 2-3cm)
  • 3 Starlight plecos (juveniles 3-4cm
Now I am almost finished with my stocking but I feel like the tank needs another mid level/high level fish. My water quality is soft and my temps are 25-26C. I would prefer if this fish has a bit of colour.

Currently at the fork of the road. Do I want to go with 2 Apistogrammas (Rams prefer warmer water) or a schooling fish? I am a bit concerned about bioload as currently the plecos and corydoras are all juveniles. I do weekly water changes and check parameters regularly.

Ideally I want to go with a schooling fish to fill that "void" and preferably a slightly larger colourful schooling fish. I was leaning towards the Colombian Tetras, however they seem semi-aggressive and I do not want my neons to be stressed. Any suggestions which will complement the current tank setup?
Hi Team,

I currently have a 180L freshwater planted aquarium with gravel as the substrate. Currently stocked with the following:
  • 20 Neon tetras
  • 10 Sterbai corydoras (juveniles 2-3cm)
  • 3 Starlight plecos (juveniles 3-4cm
Now I am almost finished with my stocking but I feel like the tank needs another mid level/high level fish. My water quality is soft and my temps are 25-26C. I would prefer if this fish has a bit of colour.

Currently at the fork of the road. Do I want to go with 2 Apistogrammas (Rams prefer warmer water) or a schooling fish? I am a bit concerned about bioload as currently the plecos and corydoras are all juveniles. I do weekly water changes and check parameters regularly.

Ideally I want to go with a schooling fish to fill that "void" and preferably a slightly larger colourful schooling fish. I was leaning towards the Colombian Tetras, however they seem semi-aggressive and I do not want my neons to be stressed. Any suggestions which will complement the current tank setup?
If you wanted to go with more Tetras, there are Rummynose, Green Fire and Penguin and False Penguins. There is the Harliquin Rasbora and Scissortail Rasboras. If your Ph is close to 7.0 or slightly acidic and you have a lid on the aquarium, Marbled Hatchetfish will make a nice school at the top of the water surface. As a general rule for Tetras, the round ones are a bit more aggressive than the longer ones. This doesn't apply to all Tetras however because ones like the Exodons or BA Tetras are considered long vs round and are very aggressive so you need to research any specie you want to add. There are also a couple of rainbowfish species ( Celebes and Dwarf Neon) that can live in soft water. ( Most Rainbows prefer hard water.)
So there are some choices for you to research. (y)
If you wanted to go with more Tetras, there are Rummynose, Green Fire and Penguin and False Penguins. There is the Harliquin Rasbora and Scissortail Rasboras. If your Ph is close to 7.0 or slightly acidic and you have a lid on the aquarium, Marbled Hatchetfish will make a nice school at the top of the water surface. As a general rule for Tetras, the round ones are a bit more aggressive than the longer ones. This doesn't apply to all Tetras however because ones like the Exodons or BA Tetras are considered long vs round and are very aggressive so you need to research any specie you want to add. There are also a couple of rainbowfish species ( Celebes and Dwarf Neon) that can live in soft water. ( Most Rainbows prefer hard water.)
So there are some choices for you to research. (y)
Hi there!

I am leading towards tetras as I feel like that would be more suitable for my community tank. Thanks for the suggestions! I am sticking to primarily South American/Amazonian fish. Ph is around 6.8-7 and I do have a lid on the aquarium. Thanks for your insight!

Currently deciding between the following. Would probably be getting 6-8 of these.
  • Rummy nose tetras
  • Penguin/false penguin tetras (Not sure if I can get penguin tetras in NZ)
  • Lemon tetras
  • Muzel Red Cherry Tetras
  • Pristella/X-Ray Tetras
Hi there!

I am leading towards tetras as I feel like that would be more suitable for my community tank. Thanks for the suggestions! I am sticking to primarily South American/Amazonian fish. Ph is around 6.8-7 and I do have a lid on the aquarium. Thanks for your insight!

Currently deciding between the following. Would probably be getting 6-8 of these.
  • Rummy nose tetras
  • Penguin/false penguin tetras (Not sure if I can get penguin tetras in NZ)
  • Lemon tetras
  • Muzel Red Cherry Tetras
  • Pristella/X-Ray Tetras
Just a word of caution, The Lemons, Pristellas and Red Cherrys are considered round Tetras and can get nippy. A quick search and I found that Hollywood Fish Farm in Aukland offers False Penguin Tetras. ( Thayeria boehlkei ). They will do better in schools so get at least 6 or more if you go that route. (y)
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