180L South American Cichlid Stocking

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 20, 2024
New Zealand
Hi Team,

I have a 180L freshwater planted aquarium with driftwood and gravel as a substrate. Currently I have it stocked with 20 Neon Tetras and 3 Starlight Plecos (fry). I am considering adding a few cichlids. Perhaps 2 Apistogrammas? Or something slightly bigger at around 10-12cm with a peaceful temperment?

Also wanting to add 6-8 Gold Laser Corydoras. Any suggestions?

Thanks you!

- Cichlidphilosopher
Hi Team,

I have a 180L freshwater planted aquarium with driftwood and gravel as a substrate. Currently I have it stocked with 20 Neon Tetras and 3 Starlight Plecos (fry). I am considering adding a few cichlids. Perhaps 2 Apistogrammas? Or something slightly bigger at around 10-12cm with a peaceful temperment?

Also wanting to add 6-8 Gold Laser Corydoras. Any suggestions?

Thanks you!

- Cichlidphilosopher
Cichlids by nature are not peaceful so if they have to be peaceful, you are looking at the wrong family. Even fish like Rams ( Microgeophagus) will get aggressive towards tankmates when they want to spawn. The best ones to try and mix with other fish are the Rams or Apistogrammas as they have small mouths so they can only eat small foods. In your case however, the issue you may have is that these 2 families prefer warmer water than your neons do. ( Neons like it a little cooler. ) The cories will do fine with them.
In the end, I would consider something else besides cichlids. (y)
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