2 Bettas Dying within 24 hrs

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 26, 2011

I got a 6 gallon Aqueon. I cycled the aquarium using fishless fuel for 3 weeks i was dosing up to 2ppm ammonia and doing 50% water changes when Nitrate went over 20ppm.

For 1 week within 24 hrs Nitrite/Ammonia would test 0ppm. Using liquid tester.

Prior to the fish i did two 75% water changes because i had to move the tank. Ammonia was still testing 0 the next day after dosing again.

Water is testing no ammonia no Nitrite an 10ppm Nitrate. I have live plants as well dosed with Aquarium Co Op fert.

Now 2 Bettas have died with in 24 hrs and I cant figure out why.
Your tank seams right as far as the ammonia nitrate cycling etc. What temperature is your tank? Am I right you have 2 bettas in the same tank? Are they males or female? There are some certain species of wild betta that can be housed together In male\female pairs but not any other kind. You can do a sorority with at least 5 female bettas and a couple of community fish in a 20 gallon plus but nothing less. Males under no circumstances can or should be housed together.
Your tank seams right as far as the ammonia nitrate cycling etc. What temperature is your tank? Am I right you have 2 bettas in the same tank? Are they males or female? There are some certain species of wild betta that can be housed together In male\female pairs but not any other kind. You can do a sorority with at least 5 female bettas and a couple of community fish in a 20 gallon plus but nothing less. Males under no circumstances can or should be housed together.

Sorry. I bought 1 betta and it died in 17 hrs. Bought a second betta and it died in 30 hrs. Only 1 fish was in the tank at a time.

Temp is 78 degrees with a heater.

I would wait at least a week before adding a new fish next time. There is no apparent reason why the fish died. The first fish could have been sick and then passed it to the next. Did you get your fish from Petsmart or Petco? I would never buy from either places. There fish are sickly and imbreed. If you are ordering online the fish could have got to cold or hot or hurt both times?
I got them both from petco. Should i go back to dosing ammonia as well?

I just did a 75% water change then a 50% as well

Its just crazy i have been keeping fish for a decade and im absolutely clueless. The only think of is my 4 yr old put something in the tank.
You want ammonia at 0, no dosing required. Your levels sounded great. If im not mistaken, nitrates indicate the levels of good bacteria, as long as they dont go over 40ppm (i think). Mother of Fish had a very valid point, usually fish enthusiasts have a quaranteen tank amd leave the fish in that for a few weeks before moving them to the permanent tank. I would take petco over petsmart but truth is that they both get their fish in bulk and dont usually have them long enough to weed out diseases. They think more along the lines of quantity not quality and quaranteens are time consuming amd costly. Thats why they have a return policy for dead fish.
4 y/o's are walking tornados lol maybe if kiddo gets to feed the fish and you have a chat about how the fish could get an ouchie, kiddo will be less likely to "add"? Wish you luck. Kids will be kids lol!
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