20G Long Tank Setup

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 17, 2009
Hey guys, looking to see if the setup I have planned will be okay. I'm really just looking for a small community tank with personality and a couple of plants.

Right now I'm considering 6-8 zebra danios, 5 otocinclus and a few java ferns as plants.

20 gallon / long glass tank
Penguin 150B or Aqua Clear 30 Power Filter (Which would be best for my tank?)
Lustar Hydro Sponge II Filter
Ebo Jager 12" 100W Heater
Bubble Disc 3" Airstone
Seachem Flourite substrate - 30 pounds
Tetra Whisper 20 Air pump

I need help with lighting and wanted to know if anyone could recommend a good light/fixture for this set up for a 20G long tank. Also, how is this setup and what can I do to improve it? thank you!
I personally would go with the AquaClear. I love the AquaClear's media compartments. :) Being that java ferns are low light plants you could probably get away with stock lights with a better bulb in it. I noticed a huge difference in growth in my vals and swords when I changed my bulb in my 10g.

If you want brighter light you could probably go with a power compact fixture or even a t5ho set up. Below are a few examples, I am buying the Coralife for both my 30g long and my 30g tall (36" and 24" respectively). I believe a 20g long is 30"x12", correct?

Power Compact:
Coralife Freshwater Aqualight Deluxe-Single 30


I run 6700K bulbs in my 10g and have had great luck with my vals and swords. I do not run CO2 or ferts. I have playsand and I add two root tabs about every 2-3 months.
Hi. I have the AquaClear 50 on my 20 long. I think the AC30 may be a little small. As far as lighting goes, I have this one. Aqualight with Colormax Fluorescent T-5 Lamp - 18W - 30 in.

If you're going with plants that don't need much lighting, such as Java Ferns, this light fixture is very compact and inexpensive and will work for you. And you mentioned a 100 watt heater. You shouldn't need that much unless the tank will be kept in a really cold room. I run 2 25 watters on mine. Before I got the second one, one 25 watt heater could maintain 75 deg in a 70 deg room.
I wouldn't plan on the Otos... yet. They'll need an established tank to thrive.
I run a 20 long with an AC30 and it is my cleanest tank. The SAEs and cories help a bit I suppose. Stock lighting too... in fact this is the only tank I've been able to grow some Anubias in with the regular T8 fluorescent hoods; crypts and java fern also do well. Just try it out as you have planned and adjust as needed, should be fine.
An AC30 is fine. 30" T5 fixtures and bulbs are rather uncommon. If you're the DIY type, it'd be pretty easy to make a box to house three compact fluorescent bulbs (the spiral type), which would be plenty of light coverage and wattage for a 20L.
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