20g, pleco vs. 3 otto's

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black hills tj

Aquarium Advice Addict
Apr 8, 2007
black hills, south dakota
hey everyone,

I just setup my 20g as you all know, and am debating as to whether I want a single poop-machine pleco or 3 otos? I currently have 6 von rio tetras and 2 gold barbs. I plan on picking up 2 more gold barbs and 4 julii cory cats on friday. I'll still need an algae muncher. Would I be better off with a single small pleco or 3 ottos?


The pleco would be best for cleaning up the algae (evident by the amount of waste produced) but if you are planning on putting the fish in with GBR's that you want to breed then you should go with the ottos IMO. I have both and the ottos don't have nearly the amount of poo as my BN pleco.
If you're after an algae muncher I'd say the otos. I actually have to encourage algae in my small tank plus supplement to keep them fed. However, I've never had bristlenoses (which many say are great algae eaters) and may be suitable for your 20 gallon. My pleco's a gibby and while I think he's awesome--he's neither a great algae eater or appropriate for that small a tank. The hard thing with otos is getting good stock.
I agree the otos are better at eating algae than a pleco. Also they stay small and don't create as much waste as a pleco. I have both plecos and oto's and the otos far outeat the plecos in actual algae eating. Bristlenose are great fish and do a decent job of algae munching but IME the otos are still better. I have several bristlenose as well.
They should be happy enough with three. (You're right, they definitely like company...two died from my first batch and the remaining one seems a much happier fish since I got him new companions. :) ) Just keep in mind that you may need to supplement them with algae wafers or veggies (mine love zucchini).
ottos in my opinion are great, i had three of them because i had a major algae problem and they completely cleaned the tank, plants, decor, and everything in the tank in about 2 days, and then a couple of them died, dont know why. I have since had a pleco, and the pleco gets to the algae, but at a much slpwer pace than the ottos, they are like crackheads for algae very quick cleaners...
If going with the oto's I'd get twice what you want. They are very fragile fish when first introduced and normally come in horrible shape as they are normally wild-caught. Pick the largest, healthiest looking ones and watch them closely for a couple days. So I'd get 6-8 for your tank and hope 4-5 make it.
Yea, if you buy 3, you'd probably end up with 1 or 2 after a couple of weeks. They're very good algae eaters and cool fish to watch (more active than plecos, IME).
If your LFS is cooperative, you could ask for them to hold the otos for you for several days. This way most of the "marginal" fish will have been sold or died before you get to them. It's an unfortunate truth that about 1/2 of the otos usually die quickly (2-5 days, according to my fish guy).

I try to pick mine up the day before the week's new shipment comes in - those are the survivors, and have probably recovered (mostly) from capture/storage/shipping. I make sure they look strong and well fed (round bellies) before I buy.

Just got a fresh batch the other day - 10 fat & very happy otos now hard at work in my tanks.
When selecting your otoos make sure they do not have suken areas behind their eyes. They shoudl also have a rounded belly. If they don't then pass on them.
As src said, when you buy otos wait a few days if your LFS just got in a fresh shipment. That way it will give them a chance to recover from the shock of being shipped. I think otos are great as well. I have them in four different tanks at the moment.
I wish I could find some ottos around here, all I seem to find are chinese algae eaters. I don't know if you'll have the capacity for more fish but mollies can add a little extra kick to cleaning up the algae. Whenever theres alot of algae on a plastic plant at work, I move the plant to th e molly tank and within an hour they are algae-less. They don't consumer as much as plecos and ottos but they arent that bad.

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