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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Wait. You only *think* you know best? They promised me when I signed up that you knew *everything*! :banghead: ;)

You must be mistaking me with someone else. [emoji6] I just like to question. No one likes to have a hypothesis or philosophy threatened. I should know, I do It to myself all the time [emoji1] I got many things wrong and still do but I will not regurgitate without sufficient exploration.
The rare Khuli lotus.

I'm afraid to get rid of the batting. This tank has cycled three times. I don't want to go through that again.

Someone said that expecting snails to clean algae is like asking Mr. Magoo to mow the lawn. Now, I can't call them snail trails without throwing my husband into giggling fits, but I do always love to see how much they've eaten in the past week. Super tuned images to make the marks clear.

You've got a regular little hatchery there. :eek:
It's too much. The female guppy that just dropped 20 something fry last night is THE FAVORITE. We tried keeping her with just one other female and it wasn't good for her. We have five females and one male right now. We can take back two of the females, which would help a bit.

Even if I was in a position to take away my young child's beloved pet, now would be the worst possible time. A few weeks ago she idly wondered if everyone sees colors and shapes (later described as a yellow C and purple clouds) or if her brain is broken. Now we're testing to see if she's having migraines or seizures, so, for example, she had an EEG yesterday. So when she just wants to sit in front of the tanks and stare, I need her to have that.

I can handle her being sad about giving up the fry, because we never planned to keep them. I don't let her name them. But the fish we've brought home on purpose? Now is not the time to take them away.
I filled the 10 gallon halfway up and moved the tape pooper. She had lost almost all color.

I dosed the main tank with Prazi Pro because white, stringy poop is what I had gotten it for in the first place. That poop looked like spider webs, whereas this poop looks like tape.

She has bubbles stuck to her now.

She was very pregnant, and so I really don't know if her hugeness is related to that or whatever is making her poop trouble.

Everything I've read says treat and wait. Is that really all that's to it? What if she drops fry in quarantine?
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