29g planted gourami tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 8, 2014
I am starting my first planted tank and have a few stocking questions. Is my stocking good? I am going to start with an Aqueon quiet flow 30 but will upgrade to a Fluval c3.

Java Moss
Java Fern
Colorata Rotala
Floating Watermoss
Dwarf Bacopa

1 Male Flame Gourami
1 Female Gourami
7 Cherry Barbs
7 Zebra Danio
2 Cherry Shrimp
Sounds good, though the daniosight be a little nippy, they could nip at The groumais feelers., though with that size school your good I belive.

The cherry shrimp on the other hand might get eaten. Try ghost shrimp as they are larger.
Sounds good, though the daniosight be a little nippy, they could nip at The groumais feelers., though with that size school your good I belive.

The cherry shrimp on the other hand might get eaten. Try ghost shrimp as they are larger.

From what aqua-advisor said the shrimp should be fine.i want a nice colorful shrimp to keep the plants nice and tidy.
Ah, well it an be either or. You'll need more then 2 to keep the plants clean and such. Around 12 or more
Ah, well it an be either or. You'll need more then 2 to keep the plants clean and such. Around 12 or more

I think i am going to get an Singapore Flower Shrimp instead. How many of the will i need to keep the plant clean.
Would i need CO2 for the tank, it tried to keep it as low-tech as possible. I would like to it in the long run but getting getting right of the bat would be expensive.
Nope, co2 is nice but you don't have to have it. Lquid or dry ferts are though would be a good start along with lighting. Metricide 14 day sloutions is a great lquid fert (don't ad the activator though) and its twice the strength of flourish lquid ferts. And cheeper as a gallon runs about 20$ on eBay. I dose it every day, 1 ml per 5 gallons along with flourish comprehensive every Thursday
Nice. Yeah my floating water moss needs bright light but blocks other light, reducing the rest of the lighting down to medium.
Haha, yeah that's the one draw back to floating plants. I've been tempted to buy Some frog not or duck weed, but no light would reach anything else at the rate they grow
All my plants like low to medium light so that will be good.
I am keeping all fish and plants to a strictly Asian and Indian theme. It is extremely difficult.
I bet, they only 2 fish species that come to my min with I think Asian/Indian are the red tail cat fish and the Indian glass cat fish.
its crazy but keeping as natural as possible is my goal.
Hey, that's good to go natural just don't go adding possible 6ft catfish haha. I wish I kept mine more natural when fish buying, oh well. I now have a here if different tetras. Whoops
Cichlids are terrible but i love my oscar, even though he ate 5 of my clown loaches.

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