Aquarium Advice Addict
I mix it up. Dried nori sheets a couple of times a week, romaine lettuce, spinach and even broccoli on the other days.
I'm not saying you should do more. I'm saying if you are only doing that much, and things are doing very well, why do the 80 gallons at all?Two things. Laziness and the price of salt. Actually, I have done this for years. I test for the major organics and as long as they are low or undetectable and I have good polyp extension and growth why water change in massive amounts? The test kits and most sensitive corals tell me when something needs changing. It comes to 80 gallons out of 500 every month.
Hand fed and even petted my blue jaw triggerfish. It's been a month now and he has settled in. No damage to anything yet. He seems a model citizen and a blast to watch. He needs room as he is a fast swimmer and either rapidly on the move or lurking in his cave.
As mine eats he's making room at the same time from the other end if you get the picture,.. Kind of funny but disgusting never fails !!! All in all they're a great addition to your undersea world.I'm watching him race back and forth right now. He's very fast. At over 4" long already and I wish I had an even bigger tank for him. He likes to hang out in front of my Magnum fans and swims against them. I hope he stays cool, but he eats as much as half the other fish combined.