300 gallon "Outside Corner" Reef

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Looks like a dramatic difference ,... Much more intense in its coloration,...you did well grasshopper .

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Just week two, but at about 60% power all the corals are responding well. The lighting looks darker overall, but that's a result of it being more directional.

As to the exotic leds, I really like the uv's. The red/green help deepen some warmer colors up.

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Just added 10 more blue chromis, bringing the school up to 17. It's one of the things I missed about wild reefs, there was always a little school of fish clustered under a overhang. Chromis are cheap to buy and feed, so I went for it. May add a few more.

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Just added 10 more blue chromis, bringing the school up to 17. It's one of the things I missed about wild reefs, there was always a little school of fish clustered under a overhang. Chromis are cheap to buy and feed, so I went for it. May add a few more.

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Very cool! Will add a lot more movement as well while schooling.
That looks super awesome Greg. Your tank is just, just indescribably amazing.
I hope one day to have a nice big tank, with the corals grown in and just a fraction of as beautiful as this 300.
Tank looks beautiful Greg ,... I especially like watching your yellow tangs ,.. They seem at peace in your tank and with each other ,... Reminds me of somewhere I was a couple of weeks ago. Nice job as usual

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They still like to spar with each other. Have to set up the old mirror every now and then to distract them.

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If I would spend a moment or two reading and understanding the instructions that came with my razor lights I could prob do the same thing re a slow dimming of the lights into the moon faze but as it stands right now I simply have my lights run by a couple of outside timers that once they kick off a couple of " moon lights" kick in,...Basically almost the same effect but the lazy man's way of attacking things .

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I did that for decades. Coral could care less, but the fish always jumped and rushed to their holes. With a gradual sunset and sunrise it is one more way to reduce stress.

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Finally moved my pride and joy to the main display after over 2 years growing from a 1/2" frag.ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1413762505.677271.jpg

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So cool to see.... Does your frag tank share the same water as your display tank ?

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