33g community - ready to start buying things - A-OK?

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33g community FW tank

1 x Powder Blue Dwarf Gourami
1 x Gold Ram
6 x Lemon Tetras
9 x Rummynose Tetras
4 x Cories
3 x Otos
1 x Clown Pleco
Amano and Red Cherry Shrimp

Temp- 79°F
pH neutral

Lighting... ~70-90w Fluorescent (6700K White Light)
- on Timer

Java Fern (mid)
Java Moss (fore)
Amazon Sword (back)
Anubias (fore)
Wisteria (mid)
Rotala indica (any)
Hornwort (mid-back)
Moneywort (mid-back)
Riccia fluitans (floating)

Schultz Aquatic Plant Soil (profile) + Reg Gravel

DIY two litre bottle

Fluval 204
Tronic 200w heater
+ Driftwood, rocks!

Med/Lg Gravel Vac
-Vac gently as to not disturb plant roots

Quarantine Tank:

10g tank
50w Heater
Eggcrate material lid
-Hold wanted fish at pet store
-Run a HOB Filter [with filter floss media] on 33g tank for a week
-Fill q-tank with water from 33g tank
-Add ornaments for fish to hide (Pipes)
-After a week, transfer HOB to Q-tank
-Do frequent water changes from a DIFFERENT bucket than display tank
-Feed sparingly, bi-daily
-Siphon extra food out with rigid airline tubing
Adding fish to q-tank:
-Acclimate normally, drip q-tank water into bag until 4x amount of original water
-Net fish into Q-tank
-Leave there for 3-4 wks.
*If meds are used, reserve HOB for Q-tank only and take media from display HOB filter when needed to seed QT tank

Good to go? :D
Any suggestions/changes or modifications?
Comments appreciated!

be sure to know your kH before adding co2 so as to avoid pH swings caused by low kH.

add your fish slowly (after the cycle!)... I'd add the sensitive fish like cories and rams last... you want to be sure your water is stable.

you may not need the regular gravel... its all going to get shifted around anyway. I found that after time the schultz starts to stay down more

i'm sure others will jump in here... i just drove for 7 hours, i'm pooped!
I'd love to see some pics anthoeny :D . I'd say you've covered all the bases. Time to hit a homerun.
Looks great to me!

How are you going to cycle the main tank? If you can get BioSpira up there, then that would be the best bet.

Definitely need to know your KH before dosing CO2, like medge00 mentioned, but with your proposed lighting you might do okay without it, though it will certainly help things.

Go with the greener rotala varieties, as the redder ones require higher light.
anthoeny-I keep reading and rereading your list. I love my fish, but I could never force myself to be so detailed oriented. I would just buy all the fish from the LFS and QT them in the display tank--so I could watch them right away.
You clearly know what you want and how you are going to do it. Good luck with the tank and keep us posted!!!
Thanks for the replies :D

Yes, you certainly could say I'm detail oriented. I like to "see" things and understand pretty much all I have to do before I undertake something
Perhaps a bad thing to someone, but a very useful quality for me!!

I'll keep you posted!

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