36 gallon stock ideas

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 2, 2014
So I have a 36 gallon bowfront tank and would like to add more fish, but I don’t want to overstock it.

Right now I have 2 gourami(opaline and gold), 2 platys, 1 angelfish, and 1 sailfin plecostomus. I plan on getting another plecostomus definitely, an albino bristle nose. Other than that I was thinking about, at most, 2 more angelfish, and a few more platys.

My tank is not heavily planted but does have some decorations. If I was to do this would that be too many fish? Or are there any other ideas?

I would ditch the other 2 angels and just finish it by adding some platys, angels get way too aggressive as they grow up and just having 1 should quiet that aggression
I agree with IHaveAquariums. Multiple Angels or even a pair in a tank that size is asking for aggression. Not only will the Angels fight with each other over territory they will start eating up your platys. Stick to the single Angel. The rest in your plan seem ok as far as stocking. Anymore than this I think you run into overstocking.

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