38 gallon rimless

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 24, 2012
As some of you now, I had plans for a 38 gallon salt water. I have had to kill the idea but really want this tank.I'm switching to fw,one want a live plant setup.fish I'm considering are:

Kuhuli loaches
Cardnail tetras

Any suggestions?
Cardinals are amazing, recently got my full school 15 (+2 Neons).

I have a trio of black skirts and a few Glowlight tetras, the beauty is a Pearl Gourami, and as a bonus, I ended up with a friendly community Betta. Lots of plants and stones, four Cories and some Mystery snails, Amano Shrimp, a Bamboo shrimp and a Spotted Raphael Cat. I have some old pics in my album if you want to see some of them. They are moving to their new 72G tank this next week if all goes as planned. New tank will have lots of driftwood too. :dance:

At the lfs this week I saw Black Phantom Tetra Hyphessobrycon megalopterus, I REALLY liked them. The google pics don't do them justice, the ones I just saw were much more amazing then most of the pics, with aqua turquoise coloring by the gills and much more black.
As some of you now, I had plans for a 38 gallon salt water. I have had to kill the idea but really want this tank.I'm switching to fw,one want a live plant setup.fish I'm considering are:

Kuhuli loaches
Cardnail tetras

Any suggestions?

You could do 2 Angelfish, a Honey or Dwarf Gourami, and a nice school of surface swimmers like Marble Hatchets or Threadfin Rainbows. Here is a link to show you some of my Veil Angelfish and there is a good pic of a male Threadfin Rainbowfish. Aquarium Advice - Aquarium Forum Community - Rivercats's Album: 220g inhabitants
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