40g planted

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I would leave it the way it is. If the plants do not grow then tinker with it. Maybe just add Flourish as directed. Your numbers look good. How much light do you have.
It's the stock lighting on the tank, 34 Watts. It does receive some sunlight since it is next to the door in the living room. I keep the verticle blinds closed during the day, but still some gets in. In the future I will be upgrading the lighting. I am considering buying a single 48inch triple tube strip. But that will be several months away.
Those numbers are after a week of no water changes. Tomorrow I will do a 20% change. So I shouldn't mess with any ferts?
This is happening to my 20gal mostly:
My test results are:
Nitrate - 0ppm
Nitrite - 0ppm
Amonia - 0ppm
PH - 6.6
Non-chelated Iron - 0ppm
Waiting on my Chealted Iron as this take 1/2 hour.
New to plants. Have a few questions!

HI. I have a 2.5 gallon aquarium with just one betta in it. I recently bought some drawf lilly bulbs. Only one grew and its doing fine. My first question is that the other 4 bulbs grew white stringing stuff (mold?) so I removed them. Then when I went to do my water change tons of white flakes came up from the gravel. Its much more than my little guy produces normaly and I only feed him as many pellets or blood worms that he will eat, so I know its not that. What could it be? Is it from the plant. Also I'm wondering if I should just go ahead and change all the water because it is soo dirty. I'm just worried about my fish. Thanks!
OK, i went to big als today (its walking distance on a nice day!)
Talked to him about lighting... They have 55 watt 6700 kelvin light that they say would be perfect for my tank... But thats about 1.2 wpg! I was thinking if i could find 2X 36 watts it'd be more appropriate, or even dare to venture with 2 48watt lightss. I believe those are common wattage lights.

NOW... what i've just found out from my brothers buddy (from the saltwater store in toronto) is that my perfecto is coming with a light system and a canopy. I have to phone him up tommorow to see what it comes with. Probably just a 24 inch florescent tube... I'll be lucky if its over 25 watts :-(

I'm working on posting pictures of my 10 gallon! Its hard to get clear pictures of fish!
Honestly, I'm really surprised that no one has yet suggested cycling the tank without fish.
When I set up my 29gal, I used the fishless cycling method. Worked perfectly. It took about a month, was very easy, no frequent water changes, and no unneeded stress to my fish.
When the tank was finished cycling, I did one very large water change and a day or 2 later, added almost all of my fish (aprox 15 of them), and I never had an ammonia or nitrite spike.
I recently cycled my new 10 gal the same way, and it was ready for fish after only 2 weeks.

I am convinced now that its the only way to go.

All you need is a $1.50 bottle of regular ole pure ammonia from your local hardware store. I reccommend trying it and sparing yourself (and the fish) the hassle of cycling the old fashioned inhumane way.
I know all about fishless cycling and am very diligent about water changes. I didnt lose a single fish due to cycling problems on my 20 the 5 fish I started that with are all going on their 4th month. I really dont think the problem here is cycling if I can't even get the fish home alive.
I failed to mention my use of Bio-Spira on the tanks...which I suppose would have helped. For its price I really don't see why people would not use it. I understand the DIY aspect of cycling the tank and waiting for the cycle I guess, but when you can cycle in a day for under $30, why not.
I'll be taking pics once they start growing. They are still small right now. Is it bad if I planted a few upside down? Of course I will turn them right side up, but I was wondering if someone planted them upside down if the roots would still grow in the water or if they would grow in the sand.
I figured that. :) It was just a thought that I had. I'll take pics after I turn them right side up and do water changes. They are still small and thin right now. The pieces that I had to cut, will the tops grow the bush around the top or will they always look trimmed? Only one of the stems has the bushy top.
fine hair on glass

I have a new tank (running about one month). I haven't changed the water yet. I just noticed that the entire surface of the glass (water side) is covered in these fine little hairs that wave in the current.
Is this algae?
How should I get rid of it?
How much water should I change?
Obviously I should scrub before I change, right?
When do I know to change my filters?
Its sounds like hair algae. What color is it? Are there any fish in the tank? Are you doing a fishless cycle?
The trimmed stems will also branch out if you cut at an internode. With fast growers, ditch the stems you don't want since you'll surely have more :)
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