40g planted

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Thanks very much I'm reading up on it . Thanks very much This should be good. I hope i can do it with my current equipment
Stupid light bulb question

I currently have an eclipse system six; which comes with an 8 watt NO T5 bulb (Giving me 1 1/3 WPG). I'm looking to upgrade the light so I can grow more plants... Once I get the goldie a bigger tank I'd like to do a heavily planted betta or tetra tank. DIY CO2 would not be out of the question also.

Right now I'm looking at T5 flourecents online and I see I can get them up to 35watts 8O, though a 12 or 14 watt would probably be the range i'm interested in. However all wattages above 8w are HO bulbs, where my fixture uses a NO bulb.
My question is can i use a HO bulb in my current fixture, or would that burn it up?

Thanks for humoring my newbieness!
I suspect you'll need a different ballast to drive HO bulbs but I will defer to the more electrically inclined members of the forum on that one :)
I'm pretty sure T5 is HO, as it has more lumens per watt than T12 (NO). Might be wrong. Find out which ballast Eclipse uses. It may be able to drive the 12 or 14watt bulb.
The only info on the ballast I can find is a rating of .16 amp at 120V; i.e. 19.2 watts.

So I should be able to push the power needed for a 15 or so watter; but i'm still unsure of the output (NO vs HO) of my fixture. Do HO bulbs usually require different fixtures, or are the differences in the bulb?
That looks a lot more like input rating than it does output. HO bulbs require a higher current arc through the bulb than NO, and so it also depends on the ballast supplying the current. This is why ODNO works for example -- more juice, more lumens, same bulb. I googled T5 and you're right: there's T5HO and regular T5, but apparently all T5s require electronic ballasts, and so I would not be surprised if either bulb you're considering works without modification. Does the ballast have a model number for cross reference? How about emailing Eclipse?

Hopefully someone with first hand knowledge posts. As I understand the new bulb will either fire or it won't. You won't blow up anything by trying the 14w T5 (T5HO? -- the shortest I saw was 24"), assuming any modification required to make it fit doesn't affect the electrical components.

There ARE both NO T5 and HO T5! Take 48" bulbs, for example, HO T5 is 54w, NO T5 is 28w, both bulbs are available. So if you can find a HO T5 the same length(I don't see anyting other than 8w NO for 12" though), then your ballast(assuming electronic) should be able to drive it.

HO and NO T5 are of the same length, so you can use same fixture as long as the ballast has enough power.

All bulbs can be overdriven. But HO bulbs are "factory overdriven" already and OD them further reduces efficiency.

Lots of info on ODNO here:
I showed that ODNO is more efficient than previously thought:

Electronic ballasts have load sensing. So using a higher power rating ballast does not automatically results in overdrive(needs ballast for multiple bulbs). In your case, a 19W ballast drives a 8w bulb fine(as 8w), but it is capable of driving bulbs of higher wattage as well. I have used a 60w ballast on 15w bulb, no OD.
Eco-complete plant substrate

This is the first time I have tried to use a substrate instead of gravel in a new 55 gallon freshwater tank. The tank is less than 24 hours old and is so muddy looking. Will it ever clear up? Every time you move something in the tank, it stirs up the substrate and creates more "mud". Has anybody had a similar experience??
Ummm, eco complete should not be dirty at all, nor does it need to be rinsed first.

Over time when mulm builds up, it can get a little dirty moving plants around, but brand new, it should be very clean.

Were the bags full of clear 'water', or was it kinda milky/murky water? If it wasn't clear as fresh water, you got some of the contaminated bags of Eco complete. Luckily Carib-sea will replace them at no charge.

But no, muddy eco complete isn't normal at all when new. Flourite, yes...eco, no.
I've got a bag enroute to me now for my new 10g planted. I'll try to remember and post my findings.
Eco-complete bags

My bags looked very wet before I opened them but since I have never used this stuff before, I would not know if they were contaminated or not. I am also using a new SeaClear system 2 tank setup and I have not tried this system either so I am not sure why I have a cloudy tank. Usually, my tanks are crystal clear for about 2-3 days until the chemical bloom starts which lasts a few days and then the tanks clear up again.
The bag should look wet, it's packed in water. But the water should have been clear. Can you take a picture of your tank and post it?
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