46gl bow front

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 1, 2011
long island. new york.
What's up everyone ? I'm new to the saltwater aquariums . I have a 46 gl bow front I have had It for 3 months I cycled it with a v tail grouper now I have a clown fish , yellow tang my question is what other fish would be good to add . I know they are both territorial.I also have about 35lbs of LR
Moving this to the SW general discussion forum as more people will be able to see it there and answer your question.
i'm not familiar with any groupers, but a quick liveaquaria look at their species there are none that will be able to thrive in anything less than 70G.

the tang is also an unfortunately too large fish for a tank your size, they usually require a tank 6' in length for swimming room, when in small tanks they get stressed and are prone to marine ich.

the clown is good, look here(Saltwater Fish: Marine Aquarium Fish for Saltwater Aquariums) for fish but remember to look at what type of water conditions they live in and their minimum tank size, max length etc.

some smaller wrasses, blennies, plenty of gobies etc. are good choices, just do your research and add fish slowly. have fun!
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