Aquarium Advice Newbie
I am returning to the aquarium hobby after an 18-year hiatus.
I am an experienced fish keeper.
However, this will be my first Indian tank, and I have a few questions.
I will be getting a 36 gallon bow front aquarium this Spring (2024).
My plan is to keep one Etroplus Canarensis and several Haludaria Fasciata, as well as one Hillstream Loach.
I have researched Etroplus Canarensis and although it is suggested to keep a shoal in a much larger tank due to the fact they are shy & timid, it is my plan to keep one fish as a community fish. I have toyed with the idea of also adding one Etroplus Maculatus as well.
It will be a 36 gallon (I know this is kind of small for Etroplus), with AC70 filter, a AC powerhead, and a bubble wall along with weekly 50% water changes. Wondering whether this set-up can work and wondering if I should to add the Etroplus Maculatus. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I am an experienced fish keeper.
However, this will be my first Indian tank, and I have a few questions.
I will be getting a 36 gallon bow front aquarium this Spring (2024).
My plan is to keep one Etroplus Canarensis and several Haludaria Fasciata, as well as one Hillstream Loach.
I have researched Etroplus Canarensis and although it is suggested to keep a shoal in a much larger tank due to the fact they are shy & timid, it is my plan to keep one fish as a community fish. I have toyed with the idea of also adding one Etroplus Maculatus as well.
It will be a 36 gallon (I know this is kind of small for Etroplus), with AC70 filter, a AC powerhead, and a bubble wall along with weekly 50% water changes. Wondering whether this set-up can work and wondering if I should to add the Etroplus Maculatus. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.