55 Gallon African Tank?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jun 17, 2014
I have a new 55 set up waiting to he cycled and was wondering about african cichlids. I have looks at starter colonies for my tank and it says mixed Zebra, Elongatus, Auratus and Labidichromis. There are twelve fish total, do you think this would be good for my 55? Also do you have any recommendations to what I should put into my tank based on past experience. I was looking for a single aggressive or simply cool cichlid for my 55 at first but don't want to risk it with an oscar and don't want to wait for a green terror to grow up before it is colorful and aggressive. I am leaning towards the Africans because they are colorful and aggressive. Thanks for any input.

Link to African Colony: Mbuna Cichlid Starter Pack
For a 55, AC's would be your best. And depending on your filtration, I think you could go up to 20. You have to be careful on certain aspects though like M/F ratio if getting both or if males only, making sure that there is one of any specific specie. Same species will fight a lot more with eachother in my experience. You could also look into adding a couple of the smaller peacocks and haps.

If you were to go SA with your tank, you would most likely be limited to a couple fish or dwarf cichlids.
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