55 gallon conundrum

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 23, 2011
I have an older 55 gallon tank it is mande with 3/8" glass so as I have been told it doesnt need a center support brace. Is this correct? I'm pretty sure as a friend has a 150 gal tall that is constructed similarly and has no center brace. Now my problem: where a center brace would be attached in a newer tank (at 24") there is a socket both front and back that looks as if it would be where an optional snap in brace would be affixed.
One: has anyone seen such a thing? Two: where do I get one? Three: if one is not available suggestions on repair. I cant use a new frame my width is 12 7/8 new frame is 12 1/2. I dont think it is needed for tank intrgrity but as support for tank tops either glass or plastic.

I would not trust it without a center brace. I don't know where you would get one or how you would do it, but without one I certainly would hope your insurance is up to date...
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