55g African Malawi tank!

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Wow...you really are overfiltering! I don't have the cash to get another cannister right now, but I could get an AC110 in the next few months. I plan on stocking slowly and getting juveniles, so hopefully I will be ok with that stocking with only an XP3 and HOB (when I get it). Later on I will probably add another cannister.

BTW, 18 fish is about right for 55G
I have heard 15-20 is good for 55g...so I'm in the range. Some sites say stick with 12, but I've heard overstocking is good for Mbuna.

Do you get your fish locally? My LFS don't have a good selection. I'm going to see if one of them can order fish for me...and save me the shipping costs.

Also, do you have a picture of your Albino Socolofis? I think they are gorgeous!
I'm only doing that because I need to seed the Eheim filter and the best way to do that is to just run it on the tank. I want to get rid of at least one of the Fluvals because it leaks everytime I clean it. I may keep the other as a spare. I want to put the 2217 to use because it's a much better filter. The fact that some of my fish are already of decent size has made me overly cautious when it comes to filtration. I'd rather err on the safe side, if you know what I mean.

I have been lucky enough to find everything locally. I got the Mainganos and the Socolofi (both about 2.5") from one LFS and the Red Zebras (about 1.5") from another. I actually found the Labs on eBay, but the seller is local. I emailed him about picking them out from his tanks and he said that would not be a problem. I hope to do this on Sunday. They are also juvis about 1.5" or so. Now my problem is figuring out how to introduce these to the tank and whether I want to put the juvis in with near adults.

BTW, the XP3 will be fine for a 55G. The AC would be good to add for mechanical filtration. @ sponges and some floss will make your water sparkle.
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