55G heavily planted tank

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Mar 9, 2009
So, I got a 55g tank. I have laid down a substrate consisting of equal parts large smooth gravel, florabase, and flourite. I have 2x40W T12 lights (came with the tank) over it. Will this be enough to grow a carpet of microsword, and later on, babys tears?
i don't think the t12 lights will penetrate the water enough to get enough usable light at the bottom of the tank for those plants. also you're only starting out with ~1.5 wpg which is low light and i believe those require medium light.
to get a carpet going you generally need high light and co2. microswords might grow with the light that you have but might start to grow its runners upwards towards the light. not a big deal though you just have to replant it now and then. regular babys tears (hm) might grow. i dont have any experience with them though so i'm not sure. dwarf baby tears (hc) i had trouble with them under 2.5wpg with co2. they were alive but didnt really spread.

in order for me to get decent ground cover in my 55 i had to jump to 4wpg of t5 lighting, pressurized co2, and dose ferts (ei)
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