55g test tank to 90g

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 21, 2008
Ontario, Canada
I had a 55g test tank to see what plants I liked. Now I'm setting up the 90g and planting it. Currently doing the switch. I posted a the dates of some pics so you can see the difference in growth rates.

130W Coralife PC
Red sea CO2 system
Pea gravel substrate
Various plants over time
Fish: 2 Angels, 2 GBRs, 5 ottos, common pleco, vampire shrimp, 30 cherry shrimp, 5 amano shrimp, 2 red dwarf gouramis, 5 zebras(the starter fish).

130W Coralife PC(6,700), 54W T5HO Hagen(6,700)
Flourite Regular(7 bags)
Fish: same
Red sea CO2 system (use a Rhinox 5000 now, find it much more efficient)
Plants: limnophila aromatica, samolus valerandi, anubias barteri,Alternanthera reineckii 'Pink', Marimo ball, Hygrophilla polysperma, Nesaea crassicaulis

1: Dec 15, no CO2 or ferts. Slow growth.
2: Dec 31, added CO2, excel dosing. Moderate growth.
3: Jan 16, CO2 and Dry ferts. Fast growth.
4: Jan 22. Can see the results of it starting to be balanced. Trimmed it weekly because it grew so fast.


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1: Feb 12. Kinda full.
2: New 90 setup.
3: 90g Now planted.

This is the start of the 90g. Its still cycling so it is cloudy. I think I'm missing something in the back middle area or left side. The left side is elevated a bit. Thinking maybe long skinny driftwood? Crypt Wendtii's? There is a background going to be added, likely a dark blue or black. Any suggestions would be helpful.

Also, is there a way to post larger pics? Or must that be linked from a site.


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Nice are you keeping the 55 up also or just starting new with the 90?
Just setting up the 90. 55 was just easier for the WC's and maintenance. Got a new eheim for this guy as well. Expensive, but very quiet.
Finally starting to grow in and take its shape. The right side will be really nice once those plants take a reddish colour. Something strange about the left side, want to remove that one moss covered driftwood but all my shrimp hang out in there. Might redo that side to make it look decent.

Those Samolus' are turning out to be funny looking plants. Thought I would try something different than an HC carpet.

Paramaters now-

Size- 90g
Light- 2x65wPC, 1x54w T5HO
Substrate- Flourite regular (7bags)
ph- 6.4
kh- 4
Co2- Light to dark yellow bubble
- Rhinox 5000 diffuser (pressurized)
-bps (no idea)
Ferts- EI dosing method




great tank. what is the plant in the front right hand side of the tank as we look at it. do you know what the light requirements are for it?
Limnophila aromatica. High light will make it a more purple near the surface. Medium growing plant. Really nice plant to have.
Just thought I would add some pics.

Full tank shot

L. Aromatica - Love this plant

L. Aromatica

Samolus Valerandi

Hygrophila Polysperma

Can't Remember

Hungry Angel

Blue Ram
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