60g Pond Build

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jul 20, 2011
Utah, USA
Its a 60g preformed plastic liner. My mom has it in her garden in our front yard and its just been dead and full of algae for a couple years. I finally talked her into letting me take it over as long as i keep it clean and do the work :) Yesterday i pulled it out of the ground and got it all cleaned up, cleaned an old pump for it and made a sponge to fit over the intake. As of now it is filled, has gravel, and the pump is working (will take some pictures later today.) So i have experience with fish, but not outdoor fish. I'm thinking something like a couple comet goldfish and some local frogs, maybe eventually a small turtle if i can find one. I would like to have quite a few plants in it but have NO experience with aquatic plants. I was thinking something like duckweed or lilies to make some shade and help with algae issues, then in the shallow section i would like some stalky/reed type plants (cattails or something of that sort), and a couple thick bladed plants underwater in the substrate would be nice Any ideas or suggestions? This is a complete random build so i will take any suggestion into consideration. Any help is appreciated!
Here's what I'm working with


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Best idea ever: take local plants from public waterways. It's completely legal, as long as its not invasive. And that would be the cheapest route as well.
Good so far! Got some duckweed growing and a couple comet goldfish in there lovin it. I'll have to get some pictures soon
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