Alright, so we've upgraded our tank. We have a Penn-Plax Cascade 1500 as our filtration with spray bar. 2 bubble bars and a ton of rock/plants for the fish to hide/sleep in etc.
The question now is stock, we've done some research, changed our plan a few times, but found somewhere that we can buy juvenile cichlids from and have come up with this new stock plan. Each fish we have selected prefer 1 male to several females so we're thinking 1m to 3f of each, totaling a full 16 cichlids. Could I please get some feedback about how everything thinks this would do, or if you have experience with some of the groups together. We will also have a bristlenose pleco and redtail shark in the tank.
Yellow Lab aka Electric Yellow - Labidichromis caeruleus
Rusty - lodotropheus Sprengerae
Lupingu Ivory Mloto - copasichromis trewavasae
OB Peacock
The question now is stock, we've done some research, changed our plan a few times, but found somewhere that we can buy juvenile cichlids from and have come up with this new stock plan. Each fish we have selected prefer 1 male to several females so we're thinking 1m to 3f of each, totaling a full 16 cichlids. Could I please get some feedback about how everything thinks this would do, or if you have experience with some of the groups together. We will also have a bristlenose pleco and redtail shark in the tank.
Yellow Lab aka Electric Yellow - Labidichromis caeruleus
Rusty - lodotropheus Sprengerae
Lupingu Ivory Mloto - copasichromis trewavasae
OB Peacock