A bit out of my element... Help?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 18, 2011
Ok, just rescued a Betta that was about to get flushed, he's in a cycling ten gallon with three black skirt tetras. (i know i know, but i wasnt gonna let him get flushed!) He came with a bottle of Betta flakes, and I was wondering if I can just use my tetramin tetra food instead. If he needs his own I'll use it, but they're both flakes, and I've seen him eat the tetramin, so I was considering using that instead. Suggestions?
Interesting! Ok, well I have cylindrical pellets... You think those could work?
I've fed my bettas the same thing my other fish eat, which has included flakes, and they haven't had issues yet. (should I knock on wood?)

What some people on the boards have said is that flake food might bloat the betta. Thankfully, that hasn't happened to me, but I don't feed flake food everyday either.
Just something to think about: Some bettas(my strange little Allie) will not eat pellets and will only eat flakes.

Courtesy of Dakota's iPod.
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