A few weird Problems

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Mar 13, 2013
Sydney Australia/Central Coast
Hi everyone, I'm fairly new to fish keeping, I have a 130 litre fresh water tropical tank, two months post set up, all my levels are good and I have Four small tetras so far, taking it slowly! I have a planted tank and I'm have a major prob with tiny snails, they seem to be multiplying like CRAZY! I try and remove as many as I can but its not helping me :-( any ideas what I can do?

I also just this morning turned on the light to Fred them and a weird white long skinny THING wriggled up and stuck to the glass I've NEVER seen anything like it.. I ran to get my camera but it was gone.. I'll keep trying to get a pic to show you! BUT what the hell is it? It's Snow White and skinny with whiskers about a Inch long!!

Thanks so much guys
Now did you buy a snail and now you have snail problem? Or did you just all of a sudden have snails in your tank.

Some snails are asexual and don't need a mate for babies. That might be your problem. I made sure I got a snail that needs a mate to reproduce.
Now did you buy a snail and now you have snail problem? Or did you just all of a sudden have snails in your tank.

Some snails are asexual and don't need a mate for babies. That might be your problem. I made sure I got a snail that needs a mate to reproduce.

No I bought plants and I think they might have been attached :-( I never bought snails.. It's driving me insane!!
Now did you buy a snail and now you have snail problem? Or did you just all of a sudden have snails in your tank.

Some snails are asexual and don't need a mate for babies. That might be your problem. I made sure I got a snail that needs a mate to reproduce.

No I bought plants and I think they may have been attached or something, I didn't buy snails or anything but it's driving me insane!!
A good dose of aquarium salt will wipe out the snails, but you should build up the levels fairly slowly, and salt is not always great for the fish themselves. I'm told by some shops that you should have a bit of salt in the tank though. Make sure its bought from an aquatic shop though and its the stuff that they use if you do decide to do that. Not sure what the white thing is though, never experienced that myself!
A good dose of aquarium salt will wipe out the snails, but you should build up the levels fairly slowly, and salt is not always great for the fish themselves. I'm told by some shops that you should have a bit of salt in the tank though. Make sure its bought from an aquatic shop though and its the stuff that they use if you do decide to do that. Not sure what the white thing is though, never experienced that myself!

Oh ok thanks for that info, I'll ask this week about it! And see how it goes!!
A good dose of aquarium salt will wipe out the snails, but you should build up the levels fairly slowly, and salt is not always great for the fish themselves. I'm told by some shops that you should have a bit of salt in the tank though. Make sure its bought from an aquatic shop though and its the stuff that they use if you do decide to do that. Not sure what the white thing is though, never experienced that myself!

Salt is also not good for plants. An assassin snail will get rid of pond snails.
A good dose of aquarium salt will wipe out the snails, but you should build up the levels fairly slowly, and salt is not always great for the fish themselves. I'm told by some shops that you should have a bit of salt in the tank though. Make sure its bought from an aquatic shop though and its the stuff that they use if you do decide to do that. Not sure what the white thing is though, never experienced that myself!

I have salt in my aquarium and my snail hasn't had any problems with it. Also neither have my plants. And my aquarium has been running for almost 3 months.

But I would go with assassin snail. Or you could take everything out and make sure everything is snail free and throw away the waste with the snails.
I added store bought lava rocks and driftwood to my 45 hex and the water changed to a reddish color, is this ok or should I do a tank change? I got the decor from a fish warehouse here in town. I have had the tank the same for over 10 years and just recently made the change. I have guarmi fish and a plecko in there now, I am going to be getting more angel fish and some tetras.I want to make sure the water is ok.
The water is fine. But driftwood usually does this tea bag effect the changes the water color. What you should do is change all the water so it's clear again. While that's working put the driftwood in a pot of boiling water.

You can leave the water that color if you like. It isn't harmful, but looks terrible.
You should also do that to he lava rocks too. Not boiling water though just hot water will work.
That was straight tannis from driftwood. That was a long time ago. All pretty now and my fish are huge. I'm ready to start from scratch again :).
As for the snails, probably over feeding.

What kind of snails are you having problems with?

There are pond snails and Ramshorn snails which are likely the ones which would be causing you problems.

I keep all of them on purpose but don't have population problems unless I am over feeding.

The snails are good cleaners for your tank. Even the dreaded pond snails are amazing cleaners.

I would start feeding 50% less right off. You can still feed 2x a day if you do that just only half. One person told me to think if the fish's eye like the size of it's stomach and feed only that amount.

Also what are you feeding? Flakes seem to be the snails favorite food and it is sooo easy to over feed with them. I use Hikari pellets, for which ever size/type of fish I have.

Also in regards to the white things on the moss ball, look up images of Planaria.

What did the stringy white thing look like and what size was it?

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